Part 3

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BTS pov

As soon as the bell ring we quickly packed our stuff and turned towards are baby. But wait he was gone......

"Where did my baby go?" Hobi shouted while pulling his hair.

Listening to this everyone turned around with a angry look.

"No you are wrong as always hyung. He is mine and mine only." Jungkook shouted loudly gaining some stares from his classmates who were still leaving.

"Shut the fuck up. Let's find him first. And i think he went to the cafeteria because i heard him softly shouting FOOD to himself before he rushed out." Yoongi said and quickly left the classroom. More like he was running towards the cafeteria.

Wtf Yoongi hyung is also interested in him. Because never in our lives we have seen Yoongi hyung walk this fast.

We quickly took are bags and rushed out of the classroom directly to the cafeteria.

In our way, students automatically made path for us because they all knew what will happen  to them if anyone comes in our way.

We quickly reached the cafeteria and stood their for 2 minutes fixing our messing runny hair. Cause no one wants to looks bad infront of their angel.

We entered the cafeteria and everyone freaking stopped. Staring us with big eyes.

While we just stood their looking around searching for our baby when our eyes landed on the one we were desperate to see.

He was sitting at the back of the cafeteria nibbling on his small strawberry cupcake while happily moving his head.

This made all of us chuckle. Omg how can a boy like him all cute and innocent will ever fall in love with us so cold and dark. Huh.

We quickly went to the counter to grab some food. We wanted to quickly buy our food and sit near our baby and watch him eat his food.

We are really weird.😅😅

But as we got our food and turned around our blood ran cold. Our baby was sitting with teary eyes as he looked down at his cupcake which was fallen down on the floor while Bogum, also one of the school's playboy and bully was laughing loudly.

"Hahahahaha such a crybaby we have here. Awww i wanna see how you react under me when i am deeply fuc......." Bogum couldn't even finish his sentence when suddenly a strong punch landed on his beautiful face.

Yoongi just stood their with a red face while deeply breathing to lessen his anger.
While the boys quickly rushed to his side all wanting to kill the boy for messing with our baby.

Jin hyung quickly rushed to the poor weeping small boy and softly hugged him, trying to calm him down.

Bogum stood up while rubbing his bruised face with anger in his voice.

"Why'd you do that huh? Don't you wanna have some fun with this virgin?" Bogum said earning another punch but this time from Jungkook.

"Listen up.!!!!! Nobody will lay a hand on this boy. And if we found out anything happen to him we will find the one who touched him and will chop every fucking fingers off his hand. Did i make myself clear?" Yoongi shouted in the cafeteria while looking at Bogum.

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