Part 14

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Warning: Not a very good chapter.

Taehyung's pov

I was standing all alone at the college front gate waiting for Bakkie hyung to come pick me up when my eyes landed on a pale guy who stood far away from me.
He was wearing all black clothes and a black cap. And was creepily staring at my direction making me scared.

But as i got a proper view of his face it turned out that it was Yoongi hyung.

"Oh pabo Taehyungie." I mentally said and smiled. I turned towards hyung and gave him a big wave.

But in return i got nothing. He still had a blank face and was staring me without moving.

"Maybe he is still angry with me. I should go and apologise for whatever mistake i made." I said to myself and started walking towards him.

But as soon as he saw he moving forward he too turned around and started walking.

"Yoongi hyungiee!!!!" I shouted trying to make him stop but he kept on walking and all i do was follow him.

We both soon entered the college ground from the backgate and he stopped in the middle of the field and turned around.

I too stopped infront of him and huffed.

"Hyung i was calling you the whole time. Why didn't you stop?" I asked puffing my face and crossing my arms.

But all Yoongi did was stare at me with a blank face making me a little nervous.

When suddenly i was pulled by my hair from behind making me scream in pain.

Behind me were three big buffed up older looking boys who had smirks on their faces as they pulled my hair more making me cry in pain.

"Aren't you just nothing but a little backstabbing bitch." One of the boys said and smiled.

"Owiee y-you are hurting me. Stop!!!" I shouted trying to get out of their hold when suddenly......

No one's pov

A loud slap was heard all over the field and with that all the screaming and crying stopped.

Taehyung just sat their with bright red hand mark on his cheek as big tears fell on his cheeks making it hurt more.

While this was happening Yoongi stood their with no emotions staring at the small boy on the ground.

"So now just shut the fuck up and answer our boss questions." The boy said to Taehyung and looked at Yoongi.

"Are you a part of EXO?" Yoongi said in a stern voice.

Taehyung said nothing as he looked at the ground with tears running down his cheeks.

Yoongi gestured the boys and with a nod the two kicked Taehyung on the back with full force making him scream in pain.

"Answer you shithead." They said and pulling a handful of his golden hair making him look directly into Yoongi's lifeless eyes.

"N-no" He said with trembling voice.

The boys again kicked him on his stomach making him cry again.

"Lie." Yoongi shouted and came near Taehyung face.

"H-hyung w-why are y-you doing this." Taehyung sid in between loud sobs.

"Because you are a fucking liar who tried to backstab us. You fucking bitch." With this Yoongi slapped Taehyung.

The force of the slap made Taehyung land on his face. The cries grew more louder making Yoongi feel guilty but he just wants answers.

So he just sucked up all his guilt and looked away from the boy. How badly he wanted to hug the crying boy but.

After lots of slapping , kicking and punching Taehyung was a mess. He was unconscious with blood and tears on his face. His cheeks all swollen and his stomach left with black and purple bruises.

The three boys looked at the small boy with sadness and sympathy. But Yoongi was still furious because he thought Taehyung was still lying.

"Put him in my car." He commanded his order and started making his way to his car with his men carrying the limp boy carefully.

After Taehyung was buckled in the front seat Yoongi made his way back to the mansion.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol prked their car in front of the college gate and looked around for Taehyung.
They came a little late because of their drug deal but they expected Taehyung to wait on the front gate for them.

"Where is he, Channy?" Baekhyung said a little panicked.

Chanyeol tried calling him a few time but got no answer. Which made them more scared.
They got out of their car and made their way inside loudly calling for Taehyung.

As they were searching they reached the field and both of their eyes landed on the red grass and a crumpled paper near the grass.

They ran towards it and picked up the paper in fear.

"It was a great plan of using Taehyung as a spy who acted all innocent and sweet. But unfortunately I caught your lie. So as  for my reward i am taking your sweetheart, Taehyung.

Love from:
Suga (BTS) 💕

As soon as Baekhyun read this he fell on the ground sobbing uncontrollably.

"He took my baby. They took my baby. This is all my fault." He sobbed and started hitting himself.

Seeing this Chanyeol rushed to him and tried to stop him.

"We will find him. We will find our Tae and will fucking destroy BANGTAN." He said in anger as he tightly hugged his Baekhyun.


Long time no see.

Sorry for not updating for a long time. And also when i updated the chapter turned out to be boring as hell.

I was having two test a day and it was hectic as hell. But now no test!!!! So yes!!!!!! I am free!!!! 👻👻

But next chapters will be better.
So a little promo:

Taehyung will be in Bangtan mansion. Where some of them will trust him and some of them will not.
After that they will all get to know that he is innocent but they will still keep him because they all wanted revenge with EXO and also they love Taehyung. And blah blah........

Let's see how the story goes.



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