Part 25

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(Omg btw before starting can we talk about the above picture.... 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤)

Taehyung's pov

"Found you, Kim Taehyung!"

The man standing in front of me said with a smirk on his face making me shiver in fear.

"W-who are y-you? What d-do you want f-from me?" I stuttered my words out. The man laughed at my weak voice and took a step forward.

"Oh, kitten I never knew you were this beautiful! If i knew about you before, I would have kept you with me.

But too bad my boss' wants you dead and it's sad that I can't decline his orders." The man said with a fake sad face and pulled out his shiny gun.

Hearing what he said i froze on my spot, thinking a million questions in my head.....

Kill me? Why? What did i do again? Why is everyone doing this to me?

My mind was drawn back to the man when i heard him load his gun.

"W-why? Why everyone wants t-to kill me?" I cried out my words.

"Sorry baby, even I don't know why he an innocent, harmless kitten like you? The only thing i know is, the boss wants you dead because apparently you are causing loss to his work." The man said and moved forward.

"Sorry and goodbye kitten." He said raising his gun and aiming me.

I closed my eyes in fear and started remembering the good times I had with my beloved hyungs.



Yoongi's pov

It was a really tough to kill those bastards who entered our mansion. They were actually really skilled, more than we have expected. They even knew our tricks and techniques. It was like they were taught the same way we were taught before.

After killing the two men Jin and I ran back to our secret room were we met the other boys.

They also looked really exhausted and stunned.

"That was way too dangerous than i thought it would be." Hobi said and patted his sweaty face with a towel.

I nodded in agreement but as i was about to put my weapons away my turned on the monitor.
All the rooms were cleared except Hobi's room. Their was a tall dark figure standing at the door step making me freeze in fear.

Taehyung....oh shit!

I quickly pulled out my gun and ran to Hobi's room leaving the others dumbfounded.

"Please let him be okay, please please." These words kept chanting in my mimd as i climbed the stairs.

Never in my life I ran this fast before.

As I entered the room my blood boiled with anger.

There was a guy pointing his gun at my Taehyung. My baby, standing their with his eyes closed as tears streamed down his flawless face.

I raised my gun and aimed at his leg....well i will not kill him, just yet.


The loud noise echoed in the room and the two people infront of me collapsed.

To be continued.....


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Hope you like the update.

I purple youuuuu!!!!💜💜💜💜

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