•3• Late Nights

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The door clicks open as my boyfriend shawn walks into our shared condo. It was currently 00:30 am and we had just got home from one of his concerts in the city. Normally he was tired and went straight to bed after concerts but not tonight. Something clicks inside of him when he performs in Toronto, like a wave of energy. I guessed maybe the fact it was his hometown and the crowds were so load but i'll probably never find out the real reason behind it all, he probably wont either.

"I want to do something fun" He states falling back on the the large corner couch in the living room,

"Like what?" I laugh and sit down next to him as his face lights up. Oh god,he has an idea.

he takes a hold of my hand and basically drags me off of the couch and into the bedroom. "Shawn what are you doing?" I ask mostly out of curiosity but also just wanting to know what the flip he is dragging me into a this time of morning. He says nothing but rushes over to the closet and throws me a plain white bikini and one of his black t-shirts.

"Put this on" He finally replies giving me no time to answer before grabbing a pair of swim shorts and running off into the bathroom to change.

"Weirdo" i mutter to my self before stripping off my clothing and changing into the bikini, however struggling to tie up the back.

"You ready?" He beams tripping over him self as he runs into to the bedroom towards where i am standing.

"Yep, just need some help tying up the back" I giggle as Shawn moves my hands away from the fabric and finished tying it up for me. He plants a few soft kisses to the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine, but thinking nothing of it i thank him and take the black t-shirt he gave me and slip it over my head. "why do you always look so cute in my cloths?" Shawn whispers as we stand in front of the wall length mirror with his hands wrapped around my waist and the bottom of the t-shirt falling to just above my knees. I just laugh off the comment and follow him as he grabs two towels and walks out of the condo locking it behind him.

The roof top pool. Yes, our apartment block has a pool and yes its on the roof and also no, we don't care thats its freezing cold up here, i mean we are at least 30 stories above ground level. The only light to be seen as we step out of the elevator is the small lights from the pool and colourful lights from surrounding sky scrapers including the cn tower (The huge tower thing in the middle of Toronto) lit up in different shades of red.

"Come on" Shawn says grabbing my hand and placing the towels on to a sun bed.

Soon after he takes off his t-shirt and runs towards the pool jumping into it causing water to splash all over my once dry body. I shake it off and peel the large t-shirt over my head placing it on to the floor next to shawn before hesitantly walking over to the deeper area of the pool where he is.

Making sure not to slip I sit down on the edge with my feet in. Completely forgetting how cold it is i pull them straight back out pulling them up to my chest in a somewhat etempt to keep my self warm.

"Y/N come on, its not that cold" He laughs at my reaction to the water and swims over to me.I put my legs back into the water squirming as shawn places his arms around my waste pulling me slightly closer towards him almost close enough for me to fall in the water if his grip loosens.

"Are you kidding?!" I whisper shout, "It feels like ice, I'm not even in yet and my toes are already numb, if you don't stop i wont buy you muffins for a week." I bribe, but a groan soon leaves my lips as i notice the mischievous smirk plastered on shawn's face as he edges me closer and closer to the water completely ignoring my threat. "Shawn" i say trying to push him away from me only getting a laugh in response, "shawn" i repeat my self yet again in attempt to stop him. He made it clear that i failed as he pulled me into the water my legs wrapping around his waist instantly in my second attempt to keep warm.

He placed his forehead against mine whispering a hardly audible 'sorry'

"Your really not" I whisper back unwrapping my self from his grip and splashing water into his face laughing. However my short moment of joy was ended by an even bigger amount of water slashed into my face. "Oh its on Mendes" I say through gritted teeth swimming backwards a bit making it harder for him to slash me.

After an hour splashing and swimming around in the pool a sudden wave of tiredness washed over me. Shawn helped me wrap the town around my body before grabbing his and putting it around his waist. After getting into the elevator and back out of it (you know the drill) our shivering bodies entered the condo walking towards the bedroom.

I quickly grabbed a make up wipe, underwear and Shawn's t-shirt i had previously worn. I then go into the bathroom with shawn following behind me. i grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth, with Shawn copying my actions. when we had finished shawn left a soft kiss on my lips and walked out to leave me to get ready.

I slipped off my bikini replacing it with Shawn's t-shirt not bothering to put anything else on underneath other than under wear.

Walking back into the bedroom i notice shawn already half asleep on the bed, giggling to my self i slide under the covers laying side ways next to him.

"Hey" i whisper as he opens his eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Hi Cutie" his smile widens and the minute the words leave his lips he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Night princess, i love you" he mutters his eyes closed again,

"love you more" are the last words to leave my lips before placing my head in the crook of his neck and falling asleep in the arms of the person i love the most.

Okay this is crap but oh well
-M :)

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