•9• Your sick

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🍒edited (20th Nov 2017)
"I'll be back in about 3 hours" you heard Shawn say to the security guard standing in front of the tour bus, however it was more of a muffled sound as you were laying, curled up under what felt like millions of blankets in Shawn's bunk.

You were touring with Shawn. You were having the best time ever until about 3 days ago when you arrived in Tampa and suddenly you fell ill. You had been up 2 nights in a row, constantly throwing up until you felt empty.

Shawn, being the worried boyfriend he is, took you to the doctor. They said it was a stomach bug and that you should be back to normal with in a day or two. Yet there you were. Laying on the bus. Not being able to watch Shawn sound check because of how damn sick you felt. You had been advised not to eat for a few days and you could only drink water so the fact nothing was going into your system didn't help the situation. Also your body couldn't decide weather it was warm or cold. One minuet you were sweating like you'd just ran a marathon and the next you were shivering like you were standing naked in the middle of a snow storm. And then on top of all of that to make it worse, you had gotten your period so you had cramps and mood swings added onto it all.

Climbing out from under neath the mountains of blankets pulled on top of you, you swiftly climb out of the bunk, your feet making a small thud sound as they landed on the carpeted floor. Your legs somehow managed to carry your empty body towards the small kitchen area.

You held a hand on your head as your body shivered from the sudden coldness, and your other reached up to grab your prescribed pills from the cupboard. You popped two of the tiny capsules out of the packet and swallowed them along with a gulp of water before making your way back to the bunk and climbing into it.

You positioned your body so that you were laying in a somewhat comfortable position to sleep in, you grabbed your phone sending Shawn a quick message to wish him luck with sound check and he meet and greet, although he didn't really need it. I mean come on. He's Shawn Mendes.

You turn you phone onto silent before chucking it to the bunk opposite you, which stored you and Shawn's luggage before slowing dropping off into a well needed slumber.

Shawn's POV
After what felt like a whole day of being at sound check and the meet and greet I finally finished everything and can go back and check on Y/N.

It didn't feel right not having her watch sound check, but I can't imagine how she's feeling at the moment and I know she needs to rest.

"How long do I have?" I ask Andrew, pulling him aside from the group of press he was just with.

"Probably about 30 minuets, concert starts in an hour, people have already started arriving" he said smiling towards the stage area. But that's not what I was worried about at the moment, all I wanted to know was that Y/N was okay.

I just nodded in response and rushed towards the back doors of the arena before running over to the tour bus. I close the door behind me and walk through the living space towards my bunk, which I assume Y/N is still in from earlier.

Just as I thought she would be, Y/N was curled up under the same amount of blankets before, one of my jumpers clad to her upper body. Looking peaceful as ever.

You shuffle around slightly under the blankets as a familiar, large hand lays on your cheek, it's thumb rubbing soft circles slowly. You reach your hand up and rub your eyes, squinting slightly when you open them to get used to the light.

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