•7• Come to bed

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A/N Short but cute:) (unedited)

You stretch your arms out sleepily and role over.

You were currently laying Shawn's bed, and you could quite clearly tell Shawn hadn't yet joined you.

"How long have I been asleep?" You mumble to yourself, you look at the clock. 2:47am.

Shawn had been working all night after spending all day in the studio. His excuse was that he was finishing a song that he had started, and sending emails. You understood he wanted to get the work done. But for this long?

You slide out of the bed wrapping a blanket around your shoulders as you did so. You walked down the corridor of Shawn's apartment, seeing light coming from the office at the end of the hall.

You pushed open the door quietly, seeing Shawn sat with his back to you in his office chair, rapidly typing at his laptop that was on the desk in front of him.

You walk behind him, still half asleep, and wrap your arms around his neck gently, startling him slightly as you did so.

"Shawn, come to bed" you mumble in his ear, barley audible.

"One more email baby, I thought you were asleep" he sighed moving you so that you were straddling his lap,

"Couldn't sleep with out you" you said softly as you wrapped the blanket tighter around your body, taking in Shawn's features as you did so.

He was evidently tired, slight bags showing under his eyes and his lazy eye showing more than usual, his soft brown curls were a mess on top of his head and his cheeked were slightly flushed.

"5 more minutes baby, 5 more minuets" he reassured you beginning to type again on his laptop, your head fell slightly into the crook of his neck, nuzzling your face into his smooth skin, occasionally leaving soft kisses.

Eventually 5 minuets passed and you heard Shawn shut his laptop, before plugging the charger into it.

"Finally" you mumbled, head still buried into his neck as he swiftly stood from the chair, taking you with him as your legs wrapped around his torso.

"I'll tidy this up tomorrow" he told you, glancing around the messy office, he knew you hated messes, but you also know all he needed right now was sleep, and that what he gonna do.

Shawn entered the bedroom and carefully placed you down on the soft mattress, like you where a piece of glass that could break any second.

You smiled in content as you throw the thin blanket off your body, replacing it with the much thicker duvet before burying your head into the pillow.

You watched Shawn replace his jeans with joggers out of the corner of your eye, trying not to make your staring to obvious. He peeled his t-shirt over his head revealing his defined abs, and that's when he notices your staring.

You feel your cheeks heat up burying your face further into the soft pillow, however you raised it when the bed dipped beside you.

Shawn adjusted him self so that he was laying on his back, opening his arms for you to climb into. Of course you did just that. You placed your head on his bare chest, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"I love you" you whispered after placing a soft kiss on his skin.

"I love you more baby girl" he replied, tightening his grip around you, "sweet dreams princess" was the last thing you heard before drifting off into one of the best sleeps you'd had in weeks.

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