•10•Jet Lag

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I don't know what the fuck this is. It's really random and I sort of just made it ya as I wrote it so it's a bit all over the place, also I take requests now so if you have any either comment them or pm me:)

"Shaaawwwnnn" You whine as you walk hand in hand with your boyfriend through Sydney airport, following his crew and any instructions they give to you.

"Y/NNNNNN" he mimics smirking down at you as he continues to drag you around beside him.

You had just gotten off a 12 hour flight. And you didn't sleep at all. Unlike Shawn. Who slept for at least 9 hours. It wouldn't matter if he didn't anyway, he was used to jet lag by now. But you, you were new to it. And you weren't coping well.

Your eyes are getting heavier with every step you take and you feel like you could fall asleep then and there. But you couldn't. Shawn was doing his best to keep you awake. He wasn't going to let you sleep, at least not until you were at the hotel. Because apparently 'if you sleep now then you won't get used to time zones'. But you don't care. A girl needs her beauty sleep.

"Let me just take a few pictures with the fans and then I promise we'll go to the hotel" he pointed over to the large crowd of people waiting outside the building quite clearly waiting for his arrival.

You just nodded as you walked out the doors and drifted away from Shawn, walking over to where Geoff and Andrew were attempting to fit all of the suitcases and millions of guitars into the trunk of the black viano you guys would be travelling to the hotel in.

Normally you would go with Shawn to see the fans. But you weren't up for it today.

Instead you just stood, with your hair cascading down your back, one of Shawn's hoodies clad to the top half of your body, falling half way down your thighs. The tips of your fingers just about showing due to the length of the sleeves.

Your were boiling. Still not being used to the fact you've gone from Winter to Summer within the space of 24 hours.

You mentally curse your self for wearing black leggings and an over sized jumper but your quickly knocked out of your thoughts when Shawn wraps his arms around you from behind, earning a few 'awes' from the fans that had just met him.

He walks around so that he is facing you and looks down admiring you, causing you to blush and look away from his gaze. "You ready to go?" He asks tilting your chin up so that you are looking at him again. You nod in response, not having the energy to talk as you climb into the vehicle behind him.

It's almost half an hour into the journey and you are struggling to stay awake. There's still and hour left until you'll be at the hotel.

Shawn was engulfed in a conversation with Geoff, completely ignoring the fact you were curled up against his side with your arms buried in the sleeves of his jumper, finding it hard to keep your eyes open.

But only a few minutes later after trying to think about random things to keep awake, you gave up all hope and slowly let your body to drift off into a long awaited sleep.

Shawn's POV
"Shawn, buddy you failed" Geoff says suddenly with a quieter tone then he was using before,

Confused I stare back at him waiting for him to continue. But he doesn't. He just lets his eyes fall to my left and I follow his gaze, my eyes landing on the love of my life next to me, sleeping peacefully with her face stuffed into my side.

My head falls back against the head rest as a long frustrated sigh leaves my lips. How did I let her fall asleep? The jet lags gonna get worse now.

"Are you gonna wake her up or?" Geoff asks grabbing my attention back off of Y/N.

I shake me head "No, she'll hate me if I do" I laugh quietly, tightening my grip around her and pulling her closer to my body, her arms wrap around my torso out of habit. I leave a quick kiss on her forehead, nuzzling my nose into her hair shortly after.

This girl. All she had to do was stay awake for another 3-4 hours, it couldn't of been that hard right? I'm not annoyed at her it's just now we won't be able to spend as much time with each other on our first day in Sydney. But oh well.

As long as she's happy, that's all that matters to me.

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