Chapter 3

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“Moonpaw!” I heard Birdsong meow. “Where did you go?!” Moonpaw shrugged and put the fish on the fresh-kill pile. I padded up to her. “Wow, that’s a lot of fish,” I said sarcastically. Moonpaw nodded proudly. Wow, do you not know what sarcasm is, do you? “What were you saying Brokenpaw? I can’t catch fish? Well, maybe you should quit being a warrior! You only caught two small minnows!” Moonpaw meowed. “NEVER!” I yowled. I pounced on Moonpaw and knocked her to the ground. Oh, how easy it would be to kill you right now. She caught me off guard, and unsheathed her claws. The she slashed me in the side. I shrieked in pain. I was pulled off of Moonpaw. “You idiots!” Amberlake yelled. “Brokenpaw! Go to Mudfur!” Amberlake turned to Moonpaw. I don’t need a medicine cat!!!  “Moonpaw! You are checking the elders for ticks!” “What? No, she started it! She pounced on me!” Moonpaw argued. Yeah, and I almost killed you! Birdsong stalked up. “You heard Amberlake! Brokenpaw will have a punishment too! So don’t worry about that!” Moonpaw went to the elder’s den, and Amberlake and Birdsong turned to me. “You shouldn’t have started that fight!” Amberlake meowed. “It was very stupid of you, and now you’re hurt because you thought you had to protect your pride!” “Well, she was saying I couldn’t be a warrior!” I protested. “You said the same thing to her earlier!!!” Birdsong meowed. “Now go to Mudfur, and then your punishment will be to gather new bedding for the elders!” I turned around and stalked to the medicine cat den.

Mudfur cleaned my wound and put some kind of poultice on it. Then he plastered it with cobwebs. “You know, Brokenpaw, it wasn’t a very smart thing to do. Getting in a fight with your sister. She is very skilled at attack moves and defense moves,” Mudfur said. “I’ve already been told this, Mudfur! I don’t want to hear it anymore!” I snarled. “Oh, Brokenpaw, look, your sister is sooo much better at catching fish. Brokenpaw, look, your sister is soooooo much better at fighting than you! I’m tired of hearing it! One day, everyone will look up to me, and no one will remember Moonpaw! One day, I will lead a Clan! Not even Smokepaw will think that my sister is better than me!!!” I turned and ran out of the medicine den. I’ll show them! I will lead every Clan in the forest and no one will care about Moonpaw! I will form the forest into BrokenClan! I will make sure I am the best!!! I will find a way to go help my father, Tigerstar!

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