Got out alive!

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I wish I was dead right now, I wish I never saw my parents die, I wish I could disappear, I wish I had a different life, but most of all I wish I wasn't born. God, I'm so fucking pathetic. I did nothing all I was able to do is stand there hopeless and watch. And now I'll be dead just like my parents, except that I'm going to die a pathetic coward.

It wasn't long when the killers started torture Lucy, only that it will be worse for her.
"What a...are you gonna do to me? Kill Me?"

"No way your getting of that easy, little one."
"What is that?"

"This, will make your body feel weaker, it will reduce your strength by a great amount."

"So in other words your attacking me at my  most weak."

"I guess you can say that. But ain't you scared of what will do."

"You kidding, of course I'm scared, but there's no point in trying to escape I'll just be killed."

"Glad to hear."
The man spoke in a deep, frightening voice. And just like that I feel a sharp pain in my arm, and feel even weaker then I already was.

Once Lucy was infected she beaten and tortured in so many unimaginable ways. Some skin was pilled off her arms and stomach. They injected her multiple times with things that were unknown. She was tortured to a point where her cinnamon brown hair turned silver white, and her blue eyes looked dead.

"I'll admit this is the most fun I've had in years, Princess. But I can't bring myself to hurt your face for some reason, I guess your too cute."

My voice was nearly gone but I tried hard too speak. "Your fucking sick."

"Choose your words carefully, cutie."
Before I could speak someone came inside the room.

"Uhm... Boss."

"What the fuck do you want?"

"We should get going before someone finds this place."

"It's been days no one will find this place!"

I tried hard to speak, "Not true."

"The hell do you mean?"

"I mean that this place isn't hidden. People can find it."

"So what do we do boss?"

"Untie the girl, we're leaving."

"But sir your letting her live or... "

"YES! I am now follow your orders!"

"Y-y-yes sir"
Once I was untied I felt to weak to even sit up, I just fell on the floor weak and powerless. Someone held up my head and in a scary voice said, "Don't worry little one, I'll come to get you soon. No matter where you are I'll find you. Your my toy so you'll always belong to me."

"Boss we should get going"

"Yeah. Let's get out of here."

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