Lost & Found

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Lucy tries to stand up she kept thinking I have to get away from here, I have to go. Lucy was able to stand, she looked so frail. So frail that if you touch her she may Break to a thousand pieces of glass. Lucy was still in so much pain but she walked and kept moving forward. She lived in the middle of nowhere, so it would be a long walk. Lucy walks slowly through the woods, constantly falling to the ground, practically dying. Alone she walked with nothing but her shadow along the side of her. Alone she walked through darkness and misery. All alone...

Lucy wad later found in an alley in Escalober a small town. So She kept walking every step more painful than the last, she has been destroyed physically and mentally. She only a few steps away from the town until she collapsed. Her eyes slowly closed until she saw nothing but darkness.
Someone approached her, a Tall shadow to reveal a young man with dark Charcoal hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a slim figure. He was was dressed quite nicely and formally.
He checked to see if Lucy was still breathing, he gasped happily and gently picked her up.

He took her in a carriage and laid her down, he told his driver, "I need you to drive fast but carefully."

The driver replied, "Yes sir. But won't your..."

He spoke loudly and angrily, "I don't care, don't you think that someone's life is more important! NOW DRIVE!"

"Y-y-yes sir"

And the carriage starts to move,  slowly moves faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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