In Flames

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As they left I tried to stand up it was difficult but I suddenly smelled something burning. I don't know what it was but I knew I had to get out there. I pulled all my strength together to try and stand up as best as I could. Everything, every part of my body was completely numb I could barely feel a thing. I managed to stand up and I started to walk slowly I was bleeding from nearly every inch of my body, I was in pain, and I could barely move. As I walked the burning smell gets stronger and stronger, then I start to feel heat as I slowly walk. I realized that my house is on now on fire, up in flames.

"I have to get out of here, quick," I kept repeating to myself.

I want to run out but can't, I should give up now I won't make it. Just stop. No don't. Give up.

I spoke to myself under my breath, "Your gonna get out of here, you just gotta."

Meanwhile outside of the house around the same time, the killers were playing with fire.

"he he he! This is going to be fun!"
"The boss won't like this."
"The boss can go fuck himself. We shouldn't be living witnesses alive."
"We're going to be in so much trouble."
"Don't worry about a thing!"
"Um, Alright if your sure"

And just like that the house was put in flames, burning to nothing but ash and cinder. With Lucy still in the house the flames continue to rise high. Lucy doesn't seem to notice, until she starts to smell something burning.

"What's that smell? Is there something burning."

And boom Lucy see the the flames rushing fast and strongly towards Lucy.

"Shit! I have to get out of here. Huh! Who the hell am I kidding, I can't even move."

Lucy was on the floor unable to move, and nearly dead. Her parents were dead right in front her, she was bruised and cut. Her crystal blue eyes became clouded, longer shining. That sparkle in her faded away. Her silky cinnamon brown soft hair, became white.
Her eyes slowly begin to close.

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