Land of ignorance

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Lucy opened your eyes slowly but she was somewhere she didn't recognize. This wasn't your home or any other place she remembers seeing.

"Where am I? What is this place?"

She seemed to be laying on a field, her house and the fire was all gone. Instead the field was full of colorful sunflowers and tall green grass. The sky was so beautiful, bright blue with a few fluffy clouds, and the sun was shining brightly, but it wasn't hot there was a soft breeze. It was an amazing Beautiful place. Lucy stands up and looks around. She's still severely injured, but she's not in pain anymore. She's just extremely confused.

"Wait. The fuck am I dead? What the fuck this isn't normal. Seriously where am I?"

And voice spoke but Lucy didn't know where it was coming from. It seemed to be all around her with an echo.

Saying, "Look around you. This is the place of happiness. Where you can be free and happy.

"so death?"

"Not quite. It's place where all are welcomed. If you believe and if you forgive. You have a choice Lucy. Stay."

"No. I don't want to stay here."

"WHAT! But why?"

"Cause if I stay here in "happiness" as you call it I'll be also living in ignorance of what the world really is. So I don't want to stay. I prefer to go home."

"You most be insane, have you forgotten Lucy, you don't have a home. You have lost everything and you want to go back?", the echo spoke furiously.

And calmly Lucy answered, her tone changing from soft and calm to full of anger and hatred, " yes. I want to find the person that killed my parents, find the people that took everything away from me and make them suffer just like they made me scream in pain, and made me beg for mercy. What they did to me is nothing compared to what I'll do to them."

"I see. you don't deserve this happiness I don't deserve this freedom I am offering you a chance to remake your life and you're going to leave behind for Patty revenge. As you wish."

And just like that Lucy opened up her eyes to see she was back, only that she was outside of her house. The house that is still on fire, the wind blows the ash and cinder in Lucy's eye, the flames continue to rise.
What will become of Lucy?!

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