15. | many unspoken words

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"Okay, I have picked out some furniture that looks so great, you're going to love it

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"Okay, I have picked out some furniture that looks so great, you're going to love it. The walls will all be white, the floor will be laid with wooden laminate. Everything will change this Thursday and Friday, and they better finish it in time. I also picked out some random psychology facts like you asked me to do, which you'll love." Lexi rambles on as she explains her little project to give this room a make-over.

I love this girl.

As she tells me about all of the improvements and changes she managed to make, I let my eyes wander around the room to picture it in my mind. It's going to be a great make-over.

"Wait, I'll read them to you." She squeals excitedly, pulling out her phone. "Individuals who have a deep sense of guilt are better at identifying the emotions and concerns of the people around them." She begins to read out every single psychology fact she's found, causing my smile to grow even wider. It seems like she's barely even breathing, only rambling. I softly put my hand over her mouth to cover it and stop her from rambling out of breath.

"You've honestly outdone yourself." I chuckle as I slowly let my hand fall. "You're awesome, but please, breathe."

"So, you like the ideas?" She gives me a toothed smile, causing me to mirror it.

"I love it." I mumble gratefully, wrapping my arms around her. "I don't even know how to properly thank you. You already have an extremely busy schedule, and somehow you did all this in a short amount of time. You barely let me help you."

"Anything for you." She walks over to my new and entirely personal coffee machine in the corner of the room, which arrived this morning, to grab us some. As she walks back and hands me the cup, she glances around the room, sitting down in one of the chairs to sip on hers.

I take a sip of mine as well and close my eyes for a few seconds. Some would say coffee is overrated, I would say it's an absolute necessity in my life. Not particularly to stay awake, but it just feels like it relaxes all my senses. It gives me a minute to enjoy the warmth and taste, letting the calmness wash over me. After a few minutes of silent sips and looking around the room, I notice Lexi is glancing curiously over at me. "How was your week? Any interesting sessions?" She begins, putting down her half full cup.

"Just the usual type of convo's I have honestly." I state, trying to remember if anything out of the ordinary happened. I wouldn't tell the personal stuff of my clients to Lexi, but every now and then I do share some minor things about how the conversations went. I make sure to not mention any names, even if I tell her something that's quite irrelevant. Thought, I can't say I haven't mentioned Ethan's name numerous times. I guess he's somewhat of an exception.

She throws me a glare with one of her sly smiles, indicating what she was aiming for when asking about conversations. "What about Ethan? Did you see him today?

I nod, avoiding her curious eyes by sipping coffee and nibbing on a muesli bar.

"And?" She pushes with a smile plastered on her face. I narrow my eyes at her and softly kick her feet under the desk. "Oh c'mon Brooklyn, I'm literally prying the words out of you." A pout forms on her lips as she leans forward, expecting a proper answer this time.

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