21. | sparkling green eyes

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''This place is going to be the death of me

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''This place is going to be the death of me.'' My best friend, Lexi Nichols, cries out in the seat next to me as we enter the street where Ethan's family supposedly lives. While Lexi is staring dreamily around to catch some guys playing basketball, I try to take in my surroundings.

Yesterday, Ethan and I decided it was time for me to visit his family. For me, this is a big step. His mother can make Ethan's story complete. From there on, Cole and I can speed up the process of finding the complete truth.

After a prolonged one-hour drive through the noon traffic, the cab finally comes to a stop in front of a street with a bunch of houses, painted a variety of dull colors.

''Thank you.'' Lexi and I say in unison and I smile politely towards the driver, handing him the money and a tip for the ride. I step out of the vehicle, scanning the environment around us as the cab driver drives away. We'll either call another one or take the public transport on our way back.

It's chilly today, the sun is nowhere to be seen. I visibly shiver as the wind blows around us, which is quite normal for the beginning of December. I wonder if there will be any snow this year.

We start walking towards the houses, both looking around trying to find the right house.

''15a... 15a'' I mumble to myself as we walk for a few minutes. ''15a. This should be the right house.'' I let out a breath I've been holding and without further ado I knock on the door.

As I hear the sound of footsteps and see a shadow growing as they get in front of the door, my palms start getting sweaty. A girl around the age of thirteen opens the door and it doesn't take me a second to recognize her as Lizzie, a small and female version of Ethan Dean Wilford.

Underneath a few messy blonde locks falling over her big brown eyes, she narrows them at us. I can see her visibly get nervous and put her guard up while she scans Lexi and myself.

''I think you guys have the wrong address.'' She finally speaks and she puts her hand back on the doorknob, nodding at us while pushing the door to close it.

''Lizzie, right?'' I interrupt with a smile.

''Y-yes?'' She asks as she stops herself from closing the door. Her glance changes between Lexi and me as she tries to figure out why these strangers know her name.

''I'm Brooklyn, and this is my best friend Lexi. We're here because we're friends of Ethan. We came to visit you and your mom, we mean no harm, really.'' I reassure her.

By the mention of her brother's name her lips curl upwards into a grin, eyes still curious.

''Who's there Liz?'' A voice sounds from inside the house.

''Some friends of Ethan mom!'' She turns her head around as she replies, turning back to us.

''Well come on then, why are you letting them wait?'' is the reply Lizzie needs to finally open the door wide open for us to enter the house.

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