19. | shy about us

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"I swear I didn't cut myself on purpose!" Ethan defends himself, holding his hands up in the air in a defensing manner

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"I swear I didn't cut myself on purpose!" Ethan defends himself, holding his hands up in the air in a defensing manner.

"I know it wasn't on purpose." I mutter as I slap his unharmed hand down and pull the other one closer for examination. He's trying his best not to wince at the pain, distracting himself by rubbing his sore wrists. Thankfully, Cole took off his handcuffs because he's on watch today.

"How did you cut you hand open like that? And why didn't you visit the hospital wing before coming here?" I ask with my eyebrows furrowed. I get up and walk to the cabin next to the coffee machine, pretty sure about Lexi putting the first aid kit there. "You could have at least went to Lexi, this is an easy fix for her."

"Yeah, could have." He mumbles as he grabs more tissues to press on the bleeding wound.

I think I'll never understand why Ethan doesn't really like Lexi. He doesn't particularly hate her, if he did, I wouldn't know what to do. It just seems like their personalities simply do not match. Though, that's just a small worry for another time.

We have bigger issues.

After a few seconds of looking through the cabins, I find the kit. "This should do, for now." I say as I walk back to the couch where Ethan and I have been sitting for the past ten minutes. Me trying to find out how he got such a deep cut in his hand, him trying to convince me it's nothing serious.

I sit down next to him and throw him a glare that tells him to not defend himself any longer. He reaches his hand out to me when I ask him to. At this, I scoot a little closer so that he can put his hand in mine. Tracing and examining the wound with a tissue causes him to wince a little.

He bites the inside of his cheek, an innocent smile lingering on his lips. "Don't be mad at me."

"Too late for that now."

"Please?" He pleads, leaning down to meet my eyes while I search through the kit with my free hand. "C'mon, it's nothing serious." He insists as he follows my movements. He looks adorable, almost making me forget that he's acting incredibly careless when it comes to his own health.

"Yeah, nothing serious." I glare at him as I softly put his hand on my thigh to be able to put on a pair of gloves. Right after, I take out a gauze pad and drop a bit of saline solution on it.

"That's why I think I can see a muscle, right? Plus, the bleeding hasn't stopped ever since you came in here." I start gently dabbing the skin surrounding the cut. As I touch the cut itself, he let outs a sharp wince.

"It's nothing serious." I mimic him as I narrow my eyes. "You're wincing in pain though."

"I'm wincing because you're touching me."

"You're an idiot," I say but my breathless voice betrays me. He just has a way with words and he knows exactly what he's doing to me with those words. He knows.

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