24. | whispering endless promises

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Life is full of them. Mine seems to be completely persistent of complications. And the worst part is, an annoying voice in the back of my head keeps telling me that this is only the beginning. There's so much more. There has to be.

"C. 3576 A..." Lexi reads out loud while staring at the crumbled yellow post-it I accidentally found yesterday.

"Are you sure this is her writing?" She hands the piece of paper back to me as we continue walking down the hall. Cole made sure to double check tonight isn't my father's night shift, so we can roam around freely without the fear of running into him again.

"Yeah, positive." I mumble while I fold it and put it back in my phone case.

If it didn't have any value to my mother, she wouldn't have taped it to the back of a picture. I wonder if it's a hustled zip code, or some other locked environment I can only enter with this code.

"I'm going to grab myself a coffee and eat something." Lexi interrupts my thoughts, "Want some too?"

"I think the bags under my eyes already have the answer to that." I smile as I point at my under eyes. I can't remember the last time I've had a proper night of sleep without waking up at least 5 times. "I'm not hungry though. I'll just drink coffee in my office and see you after that, yeah?"

"Sure, I have to make a phone call, I'll see you later tonight." She replies with a smile as she starts walking towards the canteen humming to herself.

I head towards my office, I'm behind on some work and I'd rather get that fixed before Cole manages to get Ethan to me. Maybe he'll even wait till tomorrow morning, it depends on if he can come up with a worthy excuse. The fact that he's a very respectable guard has made these months, all these secret meetings and official conversations, so much easier. We would have never been able to without his help.

"Brooklyn?" Reed's voice startles me. I turn around to meet his eyes staring down at me.

"I need to talk to you." He mumbles, both worry and fear evident in his softly spoken words. He joins me as I start walking through the hallway, getting closer to my office.

I don't even remember when I've seen him for the last time. He's not much around lately, almost looking like he's purposefully avoiding any human interaction. "To tell me the entire story, no more secrets?" I remind him as I arch a brow.

He comes to a halt. "I'll try my best."

"That's not enough for me," I sigh, "I need you to promise me to tell the entire truth. I've got no more time to lose Reed, it's now or never."

"Please, I just need you to hear me out." He pleads, now standing in front of the door to my office.

"Fine."I fold my arms across my chest. "But not tonight, not here. I'll ask Cole if he's available tomorrow and the three of us will meet up. Or I'll ask Lexi, she'll most likely have the time."

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