6. | minutes till midnight

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"Please..." I cry out as my eyes shoot open, cold sweat decorating my face and limbs. Still numb from the amount of both confusing and saddening dreams, I force myself to sit up straight to be able to reach out to my phone.

Quickly glancing around my bedroom still half asleep, my teary eyes fall upon the digital clock on my lock screen, the bright digital numbers telling me it's already 8:10 AM.

I blink a few times before realization of not setting my alarm last night kicks in. I rush out of my bed and manage to shower and get dressed in just twenty minutes, to my surprise.

After all the rushing to get there not too late, I finally walk through the entrance. I quickly put down my bag with stuff for the upcoming two days and a few minutes later my father walks in.

"Good morning Brooklyn." He manages to smile while greeting me. "Ready for another week?"

"I am." I reply, completely ignoring his greeting in general. He's used to it; we don't like each other very much. He tries to make it look like he adores his daughter, but I know better.

Neither of us starts the conversation and I softly let out a relieved sigh when Reed walks in.  "Good morning Brooklyn." He grins, coming to stand next to me. "Coffee?"

"No, thank you." I kindly decline his offer, "I will get some later. I'm going to fix my face because I look like I'm planning on auditioning for The Walking Dead."

Chuckling at this, he shakes his head. "You don't look any different to me, honestly." 

"You're just trying to be kind." I smile, grabbing my bag. "But I look terrible. I'm going to fix this."  I point towards my face, earning another chuckle. "I'll see you later. Don't forget to bring me the list of names!" 

"I won't." He replies as I leave and walk into the room I'll be sleeping in for the next two days. I put down my bag with clothes and take out my small make-up bag. I haven't been able to put any make-up on because of all the rush.

I walk into the small bathroom that my father and I will have to share and lock the door behind me. I stare into the mirror, my reflection showing how exhausted I am because of the constantly waking up in between nightmares. I slightly bent down to the level of the sink as I splash some cold water on my face.

After I finish, I quickly dry my face and take out a few basic things to cover up my dark circles. Finishing quite natural, I only curl my lashes and apply some rosy blush on my cheeks and nose.

Glancing at myself one last time, satisfied with the miracles a little make-up can do, I make my way back to my room. Quickly grabbing everything I'll need for my conversations, I start my routine of mentally preparing myself and getting ready as I walk into my counselling room.

A few minutes later, Reed walks in, bringing me a cup of coffee as if it's part of his routine from now on. Thanking him as usual, I can't help but wonder why he's this kind.

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