Chapter 9: Hope

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Hope 11 (OC)


Hope looks like her mother. At least that's what people say. She lives with her father and his pack. She has a sister but she was banished after she helped Mildred Wood escape death. Hope loves Freya deeply and hearing that she's back makes her happy and sad, because she knows what they're going to do to her.

Hope heads to The Cave of Death with the pack healer. She wants to run to Freya the minute she sees her but she also knows better. Her and Freya exchange looks while the heal heals her bite.

"Your father doesn't want you dying just yet." The healer comments off handedly.

They leave and Hope goes straight to her corner of the pack cave house looking for her spell book. Unfortunately, her father comes in.

"What are you looking for little Gray?" He says almost soothingly. Almost.

"Just my favorite dress father dearest." Hope tries to say it as sweetly as she can.

"What for?" He asks suspiciously.

She knows he doesn't believe her. She can always tell.

"I wanted to wear it to the feast tonight." She says thinking quickly.

"I'll leave you to it." He says choosing to ignore her for now.


As they follow Red she stops and looks scared.

"What's wrong?" Uma asks nervously.

"It's not safe here." Red says in panic.

"What the fuck does that mean?!" Harry growls getting anxious.

"This is where the pack lives. I've been here before once when Freya brought me before she was banished. They almost killed me if she hadn't intervened." Red says remembering the terrible memory.

"I remember this horrible place too." Mildred says hiding her emotions.

"She needs us. She needs you both." Evie says gently.

"We need a plan." Dizzy says nervously.

"Doesn't Hope-" Mildred stops talking.

"Who's Hope?" Uma asks confused and curious.

"Freya's sister." Red says sadly.

"Why doesn't she live in the cave?" CJ asks confused and realizing something is definitely up.

"She wasn't kicked off the pack." Dizzy says uncomfortably.

"Shit what did she do?" CJ asks not really wanting to know the answer.

"She saved my life." Mildred says in shame.


The full moon is getting closer to its highest point. They chain Freya up in the center like the witch she is. She's chained up and they're ready to burn her alive. Red and the rest are hiding behind a hug rock and they're trying to rescue her. They hear a noise and think they've been caught but it's just Hope. Mildred hugs her and everyone relaxes.

"You need to go." Hope says sadly.

"No we need to get Freya first." Dizzy says demandingly.

"She can take care of herself. You have to go. Now." Hope urges them to leave.

"No." Red growls in anger.

"Go plan you're party." Hope says without even trying to hide her nervousness. "If you're here she'll worry about saving you instead of herself."

They listen to her despite their instincts.

"Come with us." Red says seriously.

"I can't." Hope says sadly.

"Yes you can says." Uma says they drag her away before she can protest.


"What do you mean she contacted you?" Carlos asks excitedly.

"We need to go get her tomorrow night." Is all Mal says and starting preparing for the trip.

"Ben babe you can't go now." Chad says nervously.

"We have to." Lonnie says firmly glaring at Chad.

Jay starts helping Mal pack and everyone starts gathering their things.


Freya didn't expect to live very long anyways but she thought it would most likely happen on some random night when her father decided to just keep hitting her. Beaten to death is better than being burned alive. She tries to break the chains but they're to strong. The moon is at its highest, being sacrificed to Alfonso (OC God) didn't sound appealing. Sure he is her father's god but Freya doesn't want to die for him. Someone lights a torch and sets the wood on fire. Freya doesn't actually feel the flames just the smoke suffocating her then everything goes black. When she wakes up everyone is starting at her. She's alive and very confused...oh and naked! She tries to cover herself but what's the point they've already gotten a good look. Her father looks furious he starts screaming at the heavens. Freya breaks the chains and makes a run for it. They chase after her.


They prepare for the party but they're all worried.

Mildred cries in the bathroom for about three hours.

Evie doesn't take a break for organizing the party.

Red helps Evie out as much as she can.

Harry just leaves to the fight club.

Uma just sits in her office and stares at the wall.

Dizzy makes dozens of black cupcakes.

Blue finds Mildred asleep in the bathroom so he tucked her in bed.

Gil cries in the kitchen while eating everything.

CJ destroys her room out of anger.

Hope cries herself to sleep in Harry's bed.

They go to sleep around 3:30 am most of them.

The VKs make their way to the isle at 8 in the morning. They are ready to get Evie back. To bad she's not as eager to leave as they think she is.

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