Chapter 10: Party Time!...Oh Shoot

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Freya is dying on the cold dirty ground, she can't see. She can feel the sunlight on her face so she can tell it's around 6 am. She isn't going to last long. How ironic dying on her birthday. Her father does always say it was the worst day of his life. The day she was born. Her mother left almost immediately after Freya was born 5 hours later and she was gone. She came back 2 years later, for a while anyways, trying to make it work with Freya's father. It lasted for a while then Hope was born. Hope turned 1 when their mother left for good. Freya finds it ironic because her death will become her father's favorite day. She can smell vanilla and ash and hear two different footsteps. Someone picks her up she tries to fight back but they put a muzzle on her and she's too weak to fight.


Gil is cooking lunch while Mildred bakes a cake and Red is making lots of strong coffee. They're crying. Uma is picking at her food not very hungry knowing Freya is somewhere alone and probably cold.

Evie and Harry have barely fallen asleep. He gets to the ship around 7:20 am and Evie waits up for him because that's what friends do. So they fall asleep around 7:40. No one has the heart to wake them up.

Hope goes around cleaning the ship. Dizzy barely woke up a hour ago looking for food. It's awkward because she asks about Freya forgetting what happened the night before. Everyone tenses up and she apologizes for not being fully awake to remember the night before sooner.

It's almost 1 pm when Gil serves lunch but no one is really hungry. Except Dizzy who is over eating. Weird for such a small girl. Hope told them to plan the party because she was sure Freya is going to show up. They don't want to hurt her feelings so they do what she says.

It's 9 pm and everyone has set up the party it looks great but most of them know Freya isn't going to show up.

Harry Evie Dizzy Hope CJ Blue and Red know the VKs are coming and it's making them very jumpy.

Uma and Mildred try to distract themselves by playing poker but give up because it reminds them to much of Freya. Who is an expert at gambling.

It's soon 10 pm and the VKs and co. make their way onto the ship coming face to face with Uma and co. Everyone reacted differently.

Evie smiles because she's happy to see them.

Mal is not happy.

Harry is trying not to pull out his sword.

Jay wants to punch him.

Mildred gasps in surprise.

Dizzy is uncomfortable.

Hope doesn't really care she just continues eating.

Uma is pissed.

CJ and Gil go to Uma to calm her down.

Red and Blue try to clear their throats to make the mood less tense.

Ben tries that too.

It doesn't work.

Carlos and Jane looks relieved Evie is safe.

Lonnie feels out of place.

Chad just rolls his eyes.

"So..." Dizzy gives up. Someone else can break the tension.

"You're coming home." Mal says grabbing Evie by the arm.

"Can't you and Uma talk it out like mature people." Evie tries and knows she's failing.

Uma and Mal both get pissed and yell no.

It ends with a fight Hope drags Mildred and Dizzy away.

Carlos and Jane throw Evie in the limo. Red and Blue fail to stop them.

Ben and Harry fight. Harry looses because Chad doesn't play fair for a good guy.

Jay fights Gil. Lonnie fights CJ. It ends badly for all of them.

The fight ends.

Uma is yelling at Harry after he tells her it was his idea to invite them. They can't find Hope Mildred or Dizzy. Gil is stitching up Harry's arm. CJ cries. Blue and Red are cleaning up. Everyone decides to go their separate ways.

Red and Blue go back to their shake.

Harry leaves.

Gil and CJ buy a small boat and leave.

Hope Mildred and Dizzy reappeared.

They leave they don't say where and Uma doesn't try to stop any of them.

Evie leaves immediately after they get to school. She doesn't look back.

Mal is so mad she breaks up with Jay and disappears.

Ben and Chad break up after they fight about fighting dirty.

Carlos and Jane kiss and after Jane runs away in fear of loving and losing him. She ignores all of Carlos' calls.

Lonnie goes and eats a sandwich while crying.

Everything is fucked up.

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