Chapter 12

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A/N I'm going to make this a really small chapter and it's going to be in 3rd person because I'm updating on my iPod so that means I can't use bold or anything like that.

Chapter 13

Morgan has been at her mothers place for two days and she was loving it. Morgan wanted to start school in LA to see what it was like. Scarlett had enrolled Morgan at the high school that she worked at just so it would be easier for her to see her cigs more. Morgan hadn't spoken to her dad in a while so she decided to call him and see if he was ok.

"Hello, Harry Styles speaking."

"Hey dad, how are you?"

"Morgan? I'm fine, are you ok out there? It must be to warm for you, come home if it is!"

"Dad I'm fine, mums family is lovely and I like the weather because it's not raining all the time."

"What are you going to do when she goes back to work?"

"Mum enrolled me at the school she works at so I'll be starting this coming week. I hope that's not a problem?"

"I'm just worried about you. Eddie misses you."

"I miss him too, dad I've got to go I'll speak to you soon! Bye."

"Bye darling!"

'Oh My God' Morgan thought speaking on the phone to her nan was bad but that was even worse than that. Morgan saw Matt come down the stairs with Cole and smiled at them both.

"Just been on the phone to your dad right?" Cole asked because he heard the phone call.

"Yeah, why do you need to know?" Morgan snapped back at him. Cole sometimes had this horrid moody voice that got on Morgan's nerves.

"Hey, both of you stop it before this gets out of hand." Matt didn't want them to fight because he couldn't deal with it right now.

"I'm going out. Tell my mum I'll be back later." Morgan picked up her penny board and went down the road riding it. She saw a park up ahead so she decided to go in there and see what it was like. She saw a group of people around her age walking and talking. They seemed to be happy walking and being with there friends, but Morgan didn't have any friends.

Alex noticed a hot girl on a penny board coming towards him and his friends. He knew that girl wasn't going to stop and him and his friends didn't move. The girl came to a stop and picked up her penny board. She started walking instead.

"Doesn't she look like someone from school?" He asked his friends. The nodded their heads because she looks just like Mrs Green.

"Oi!" Shouted Alex. The girl looked at them and Alex moved his head that meant 'come over 'ere'. Morgan sighed, she wanted to get away from people and now people want to talk to her.

"What?" Alex liked the sound of her voice because he always liked British sounding girls.

"Are you related to a Mrs Green. She works at Green Leaf High School(A/N I made up that school)?" Morgan nodded her head.

"Yeah, she's my mum."

"She only has four kids is what she told us."

"No she had me when she was sixteen and my dad is Harry Styles." When she said that the girls that were with them started to squeal and make girl sounds.

"Like the One Direction singer?"

"The one and only, yes."

"Oh, I'm Alex and these are my friends." Alex wanted this girl as his own if she ever went to his school.

"Morgan. I have to go home now, it was nice meeting you." Morgan turned around and walked away smiling. She really liked that Alex kid. She couldn't wait to start school. When she got home there was a massive white Range Rover parked in the drive way.

"Hey, I'm back! Who's car is that?" Morgan walked into the kitchen and saw her mum holding up some keys.

"Your dad sent over your car. He said you wouldn't know it was yours because it's brand new. He also sent over your drivers license." Morgan took that keys off her mum. "Oh and you start school tomorrow." Morgan nodded her head. She was still in shock that her dad did that for her.

A/N Yes I know it's small but like I said it would be small. But I hope you like it!

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