Chapter 4

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 Chapter 4

Scarlett's POV

There she was now in my...his...our room. Harry told me he had finished her, but I guess it's another one of his lies. What happened between me and Harry was that he was cheating on me with Poppy.


I had just come home from a hard day’s work and I was sat on the sofa. When I heard noises coming from mine and Harry's bedroom. I thought it was Harry having a bad dream or something, but then they got louder. 

I decided to go and have a look at what was going on. As I walked into the bedroom I saw Harry lying on the bed with some girl on top off him. 

I felt my eyes going blurry as the girl climbed of him and got dressed quickly. 

When she was done she pushed past me and left me and Harry in the room alone.

"How could you!!!"  I screamed at him while I was still in the door way. 

"Scarlett it's not..." He tried to say but I cut him off. 

"Don't you dare say 'Oh Scarlett it's not what it looks like' because Harry it does look what it looks like. You’re cheating on me with her!"  The tears were now pouring down my cheeks. 

I went under the bed and I grabbed my suit-cases and started filling them with my clothes. He didn't try to stop me because he knew it wouldn't work. I went into the kitchen and placed a picture in an envelope on the table. I bet he wishes he hadn't done that now. 

I was pregnant with his child. 

I walked out of the door and never went back.


Harry got up and whispered something into Poppy's ear and she started crying and smacking him. She ran out of the room. 

"What did you just do?" I asked because I was curious as to what he had just said to her. 

Harry's POV

 I went over to Poppy and I whispered "It's over; I never want to see you again." She started crying and smacking me, she didn't even love me she was just using me because I was famous. I had been dating her for two years now on and off and she couldn't make up her mind if she wanted to date me or not. Management didn't like Poppy ever; I don't blame them she’s a bitch. Getting back to real life, I had just finished Poppy. Why you may be thinking. Scarlett had been pregnant with my child and I wanted to see it. 

"Let me see my child" I told her because I wouldn't take no for an answer. She looked at me like she had seen a ghost.

"No, you’re not seeing her. You never came after me so why should I." She looked like she was going to cry. I was about to speak when we heard a banging sound coming from the door. I went over and opened it to see a little girl with Louis. She ran up to Scarlett and Scarlett picked her up and swung her round. 

"Is that her. My child?" She nodded her head while looking to the floor.

"What’s her name?" I asked to anyone in the room.

"My name is Morgan. Are you my Daddy?" I guess she had only just learnt how to talk as she wasn't that good at it.

"Yeah, Morgi he's Daddy." Scarlett smiled up at me and then to Louis who was just stood there like a spare part. Eb and Belle had just burst through the door and Morgan got scared. 

"Can I hold her?" I asked because I wanted to hold my child for the first time in my life. Scarlett passed me the 2 year old and she started to play with my hair. She had the same colour hair as Scarlett but it was Curly just like mine, she had green and blue eyes mixed together. We were both staring into each-other’s eyes when all the boys and management were in the room.

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