Final (A/N).

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because this has become some kind of tradition amongst all the books i've ended this year, what's the harm in doing it again?


so, this book's over, believe it yet? forty-four (44) chapters, two christmas specials, and a bonus ending to the finale which i've posted a few minutes ago; tackling something a little more lighthearted and cheerful because that finale dear lord; and a helluva lotta (my) bullshit in between

(i'm not sounding very professional, am i?)


not so much more to say honestly, because this is the end of the book after all, and nothing's supposed to be waiting for you at the endings of things, but there are a few things i've always wanted to say since the beginning:

thank you. to all of you. i can never get this out enough, thank you all so much for supporting this book in however little ways you can think of (even clicking on one chapter and abandoning the book after.) it means a lot to me as a writer, way more than i can ever express.

thank you for taking your time to vote, to comment on the shit you think is funny, because it makes me feel like i'm doing something right (and knowing how fucked-up everything is now, all i really want is to feel like i'm doing something right. thank you again, guys.) thank you for taking the time to read the chapters, for adding it to your reading lists.

thank you for even giving this book attention. thank you all, really.

thank you for this wonderful journey, for all the reassurance when i decide to put this book on hiatus or when i leave and don't update for months at a time {and thank you praise hiro mashima for bringing our beautiful shadow dragon slayer to life <3 [but sting's always going to be my favorite (sorry rogue :p)]}

i hope i was worth your time, and i hope to continue to be worth your time, dear reader. i love you guys, all of you, really i do.

i suppose this isn't so much as a goodbye, but a 'see you again'

s'pose i'll see you at the next story =)

for the last time, and with the most love: mochapineapple.

Rogue Cheney x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now