Meet The Gang

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Elsa gasped in shock. 

She wanted to scream when the bird-like creature yelled out in a girl voice: "Hey, I found the last one ,you guys!" and pulled Elsa out of the pile of hair. 

Elsa landed up on the floor, receiving a mouthful of her own hair, which was a mess. A coronation-like dress was crumpled from crawling. 

Suddenly, the bird-like girl, lifted up Elsa's face, opened Elsa's mouth with her hands and cried out: "Eep! She has beautiful teeth! Almost as good as Jacks!"

Elsa, who was struggling to get out of bird-woman's grip, was confused and slightly dizzy. 

Suddenly, as if Elsa electrocuted her, Bird-women gasped and shoved Elsa backwards and stumbled in shock.

"What is it, Tooth?" A big man with a white beard asked. The short gold man beside him was looking suspiciously at Elsa.

Humming bird-women, or Tooth, shuddered, pointing at Elsa. "Bad Memories" She whispered.

Somehow, Elsa knew exactly what she was talking about.


Jack didn't understand.

He knew Tooth recognized memories when looking at Teeth but were the girls memories that bad?

He studied the new arrival. She had colorless hair (like his but more blond-ish), in an untidy bun, pale as porcelain, shocking blue eyes and a crumpled queen-like dress.

She looked confused, just like the other guests. She was gazing at Tooth as North and Sandy tried to calm Tooth down.

Despite the situation they were in, Jack thought the new girl was actually pretty.

She didn't notice him, as she backed away from everyone and closer to the door while everyone else was focused on Tooth.

Oh no, you don't, Jack grinned. 

He flew up behind her and whispered: "Where do you think your going?"

He had expected her to scream in shock but instead she turned and glared her cold eyes on him. Jack felt uncomfortable. For some reason, he didn't like the way she was looking at him.

"Let me go," She said.

Her voice was soft but commanding as if she was trying to control herself. Despite her attitude towards him, he could see the panic in her eyes.

Jack shook his head. "I don't think so"

"Let. Me. Go" She repeated again, her voice rising slightly. Jack was impressed at this girls courage.

As if she's been in tighter situations...

"Jack, bring our guest over" North called. It seems that he had finally calmed Tooth down, though Tooth was shaking and giving Elsa weird looks.

The orange-haired girl was still gripping her bow and the boy was trying to calm his...


Wait, where did that come from?


Rapunzel was shaking.

She wanted to go back to Eugene. She missed him. And she had no idea where she was. She didn't know these people. Some of them were weird, like the bird-lady and the giant bunny.


She was freaked out. She wished she had her old frying pan back. She hid behind the curly-haired girl because she seemed normal.

Merged Worlds  (Book 1) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now