Part 2 - The start of something?

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Letty's POV

That night the house was still quiet. Mia ate a little more which was a complete relief. After dinner Dom and I hung out for a bit and sat outside the house.

We sat on the wall and I swung my legs idly. Dom handed me one of his precious Coronas.

"You said I was too young before," I joked as I accepted it.

"Take it was a thank you for everything," he said with a laugh, "Plus I know it ain't your first one."

I smirked at him and we clinked bottles. I saw the kitchen light being turned off and a few seconds later Mia's bedroom light going on. She was back holed up in her room, no good for anyone.

Silence hovered comfortably over us and I realised in the last four days we had spent more time together than we had in the last six years. I ran my hands through my hair shaking the loose waves out which fell down to my mid back.

Dom turned to me and caught me up in conversation about cars, easy conversation. Conversation I excelled in. Perfect for me.

We drank a few Coronas and talked more and more. Bonding over every little detail of our lives.

"You know how it feels," Dom began, "To bury your Father."

"It ain't easy for a start but eventually everything begins to fall into place as you pull yourself together," I told him as I took his hand, unthinkingly, "You'll get there, just give yourself time and space to get there."

He leaned in and kissed me slowly. Our lips met in a soft kiss as we sat on the wall. He bit my lip gently and I felt colour flushing to my cheeks as I realised I was so inexperienced at this, I'd probably be a terrible kisser.

When we broke apart I was breathless as was he. He tucked a stray strand of hair carefully behind my ear.

"Wait there, two minutes," he mumbled as he practically leapt off the wall.

I sat there in baffled amazement feeling confused and rejected. Where the hell was he going? Running my fingers across my lips I could feel them tingling from the memory of his pressed against mine. The taste of his Coronas lingered on my lips making me smile even more.

He returned carrying an iPod which had definitely seen better days and a docking station. He shuffled through the music and I vaguely recognised the song playing. My Angel.

"I can't see your wings, but girl, you're an angel
Oh, my, my angel
You're so out of this world, you're hiding your halo
Oh, oh, my angel
Oh, my, my angel."

He kissed me again and I realised some time later that the song was on a loop. He was sort of romantic in a way. His lips started making their way down my neck and I almost moaned as I clutched him closer, pulling on his t shirt.

I felt his hand hitching my thigh around his waist and I let him carry me up the stairs to his bedroom. Even if this was one night, this was one more night than I ever could have hoped for or expected.

My back was carefully placed on his clearly unmade bed, which made it obvious he'd done this countless times, unlike me who'd never done this before. His room smelt just like him, burnt rubber, diesel and his musky aftershave. I soon forgot everything as he took me to heaven and back.

Afterwards we lay in the bed and I chuckled as he cuddled up beside me. I'd half been expecting to be kicked out immediately after. It had been incredible though, not much short of perfect, if I'd liked him before, I definitely liked him now.

His fingers lazily traced a pattern on my bare back as we lay locked in each other's arms. I ran my finger along his brow line and smiled as he leant in and kissed me again.

We broke apart too soon in my opinion as I was rapidly getting obsessed by the feel of his lips against mine.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin?" Dom murmured against my lips as he cupped my cheek, "You deserved more than that."

"Because it was with you and it was special to me for that reason," I said as the alcohol in my system was still giving me confidence.

Our lips met again and I swore it was better than any other kiss we'd shared. There seemed to be a feeling behind the kiss, something real. I didn't feel like he were using me for my body.

We cuddled up and fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke the next day, to find the bed beside me empty. Disappointment welled up inside my chest and I bit my lip as I felt tears filling my eyes, I honestly thought he'd stay and wake up beside me this morning. Why was I so stupid? Raking my fingers through my wavy hair I shook it out to get rid of the bed head and probably messy sex hair. I tugged the sheet up round me as I sat up. The faint red glow of the numbers on Dom's alarm clock was just visible in the darkened room. He'd drawn the curtains and blinds. Seven thirty am. Early. Too early for him to have left the house. My stunned amazement made me sit still for a long minute.

I lay back down and decided I wasn't going to school today. I didn't want to go and to be honest felt a bit depressed now. Soon I was lulled back into sleep.

Someone pulling the duvet up around me woke me again as I got too warm. Jumping I sat bolt up right. Dom's muscled figure stood at the end of the bed.

"Morning," I mumbled slightly embarrassed.

"Morning," he replied and a grin spread across his face.

Realising I'd exposed myself almost completely to him again made panic streak through me so I yanked the duvet up around me. In the light of a new day and in the absence of alcohol it didn't seemed like such a good idea to let him see as much as me.

"You know there's nothing there that I didn't see last night," Dom said as he sat down on the bed beside me.

I blushed and looked down at the bed, almost embarrassed. "But last night felt different."

"It's still the same," he said as he leant in and kissed me.

I kissed him back and soon we deepened the kiss.

"Let, want to go out with me?"

"Yeh," I agreed.

He kissed me again and I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven.

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