Part 21 - Dealing with Tran

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Letty's POV

The next month passed in a rush. We'd pulled two more jobs for Tran. Now our fourth job felt different. Dom had actually sat down with a plan. I'd helped him but I knew he had something else planned. We did what we always did, stealing more than could ever be necessary. This truck had been packed with goods.

We handed the goods over to Tran for our fee. We'd raised it to slightly more by taking more stuff. We each walked away with six large that Friday night.

That Sunday brought a different story. Sunday mornings were once more ruined. This time not by me and my quick temper though that played a part. Tran turned up on our doorstep. A lot of chaos ensued. Thankfully Mia had headed out so she just missed it.

"Where the fuck is Dom?" A voice screamed jolting me out of my sleep.

My feet went flying to the floor as did Dom's. We yanked on clothes and headed down to the door in the direction of the voice. Haphazardly dressed we stood in our doorway.

"You fucker!" Tran screamed.

His eyes narrowed. He raised his fist and punched Dom right in the face. Dom sprung into action. They swore and fought.

"You ripped me off. You stole from me! You bastard!"

Dom was saying nothing as Tran beat him. Dom managed to get Tran to the ground and was about to punch him again when Lance went to hit Dom from behind. Without thinking I launched myself at Lance, hitting him hard. He turned on me and jammed his foot into my stomach. Gasping for breath I stumbled back. It didn't slow me for long as adrenaline coursed through me. Grabbing him by the collar of his t shirt I pushed him to the ground. I punched him as hard as I could around his face. Unfortunately for me he was carrying a penknife. A sharp jab to my rib made me wince and I saw a faint scrape on my lower right rib cage, my t shirt ripped. Backing off slightly I tried to find a way to get the knife out of his hand. He could do nasty damage with that knife. A grunt sounded to my right but I ignored it. Lance sprang at me again and I raised my two arms to defend myself. That's when Dom grabbed him by the collar and gave him one good punch which sent blood spurting out of his nose. He let Lance call to the ground like he were a sack of garbage.

The two men scrambled to their feet.

"You stay away from here!" Dom yelled after them angrily.

He and I stood there for a moment and said nothing.

"What did you do?" I asked exasperated. What the hell did he do now?

"May have palmed Tran off with some empty boxes and took the merchandise for myself. I had somewhere better to sell it. Better price."

Dom looked almost smug as he smirked at me. Great now he was supplying stolen goods.

"I made another eight thousand."

I bit my lip. I was uncomfortable with how Dom was so blasé about stealing but I was glad we wouldn't be short of money again. This was the one thing I knew Dom and I would never completely see eye to eye on. I wasn't yet at the blasé point about stealing. It weighed uneasily upon my conscience. Yet that weight was eased by knowing Mia would never lose any of her Father's legacy. The store was always intended for Mia and the garage for Dom.

Around Dom's nose was a slight trickle of blood, slightly crusted from where it was beginning to dry.

"Hey Let, you're bleeding," Dom murmured. He gently ran his hand over my side, his fingertip came away scarlet.

"It'll stop in a moment."

I took myself inside to tend to the cut. I shut the bathroom door and stared in the mirror at my cut. It was a scrape nothing more but it would bleed plenty. On my face I noticed where I'd been punched and hit. Lance wore a ring and it had tore the skin on my cheek. Sighing I tried to clean myself up. I'd have a few purple bruises for a bit but I'd get over it soon.

A knock at the door startled me as I dabbed the damp washcloth over my cheek.

"Let, you good?"

Frustrated I snapped. "Yeh!"

Dom walked in to try and help me. I wanted to tell him to fuck off. I hated people seeing me so vulnerable as when I'm hurt I don't look like myself. Some of my attitude fades away.

Dom's POV

"Hey Let, you're bleeding," I murmured gently as I saw a smear of blood on her cheek and another one in the gap of her ripped t shirt. Running my finger across the scrape on her rib cage resulted in my finger being dyed scarlet.

"It'll stop in a moment." Letty dismissed her injuries easily. Any other girl would have been furious at the thought of being covered in blood but not my girl. My girl was stood in the thick of everything whether it be a fight or an argument. She always stood her ground. Admirable.

She marched off inside, her lip between her teeth and her forehead creased into a frown. As she walked away I couldn't help but admire her perfectly round ass which I'd come to love so much. I knew each cheek was a perfect handful. Her perfect body wasn't the reason I was attracted to her but I did love those curves. Deliciously soft and easy to melt in to.

I stepped into the hall and shut the door with a bang. Making my way up to our room I glanced in the mirror. A slightly bloody nose. It would clear up soon. I changed and then went in search of Letty. I picked up discarded pieces of clothing and dropped them into the hamper in our bedroom. Mia refused to lift any clothes from the floor of our room, she claimed she was terrified of what she would find. Letty was messy anyways and getting worse. She could kick off a pair of jeans, pull a tank top over her head and drop her bra on the floor and leave them there for several days. She could ignore dirty underwear on the floor of our room for at least three days before she'd finally notice it. Then she'd lift everything in one sweep. However, she could be as much of a clean freak as Mia and clean constantly for hours then she'd get fed up and quit. Letty was due a clean freak spell, there hadn't been one for two weeks.

I knocked on the bathroom door and leant against it. "Let, you good?"

"Yeh!" Her reply was sharp and angry. Clearly frustrated by the tightness of her voice.

Trying the handle I didn't expect it to allow me entry. When I opened the door I was confronted with a pissed looking Letty. Her eyes were tight and her jaw clenched. As she looked at me her glare deepened. Awh shit I was in the doghouse. The blood was smudged on her cheek and I felt my stomach twist, I felt horrible about it. This had been my fault after all.

"Can I help you?"

"No Dom, I do just fine by myself!"

I could see it in her eyes, she wanted help, to be fussed over but hated admitting she was vulnerable that way. The thing I'd noticed about Letty was when she was hurting her seemingly unchanging emotional state softened. As much as I hated doing this, I'd also noticed that she responded better if you forced help on her rather than ask if you could help her.

"Give me the cloth Let."

Stubbornly she shook her head. I took a fresh cloth from the cupboard and damped it. Cautiously in case she tried to fight me I stepped towards her. In the small bathroom we were almost standing on top of each other. Letty stood just below my shoulders in height. Placing one hand on her waist I brought her close to me. Without her consciously deciding it she stepped into me closer. Her hand rested on my back. I dabbed her face with the cloth not as gently as I could have but I knew if I did it too gently she'd freak out that I thought she was going to break, something I was never scared of my Letty doing.

"Why did you double cross Tran?" Letty asked me looking up into my eyes. I stared at her for a second but she held my gaze and it was me who ended up feeling uncomfortable.

"For the money."

"Money ain't everything Dom, never forget that. Family is the only thing that's going to bring you true happiness."

Her eyes lit with something as she spoke. Plainly irritated. She raked her hand through her messy hair and shook the waves out, something she did when she was unsure. Obviously she was unsure of our footing with each other. I knew she doubted whether we were on the same page anymore.

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