Part 9 - New Year's Eve

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Letty's POV

On Boxing Day I took myself off to work and Mia stuck back into her schoolwork as always. We didn't stop until New Years Eve. Mia had been invited to a party that one of the guys she went to school with was hosting. Reluctantly I agreed to let her dress me up and take me.

That was how Letty Ortiz ended up dressed in one of Mia's dresses. It was a black bodycon dress which fell to my mid thigh and had three quarter length sleeves. It was backless though and I hated the way my back was almost completely exposed. She had decorated my arms with three gold bangles and the third finger on my right hand with a gold ring with a large silver stone in the centre. I'd consented to wear four inch heels, also Mia's. My eyes had a smokey look of purples and blacks and were outlined with eyeliner making them bigger and more noticeable. A generous coat of mascara had been applied to my eyelashes. Mia had contoured my face whatever that meant and basically dolled me completely up. I barely recognised myself without the grease stains decorating my clothes and skin.

Beside me she looked amazing in a shimmery green bodycon dress which was shorter than mine and lower at the front, exposing a bit of her chest. She'd her makeup done perfectly and looked beautiful. She'd curled her dark brown hair and it fell halfway down her back in loose waves. If she didn't get a lot of male attention tonight I'd wonder what was wrong with them.

Mia had convinced me that a taxi was the best way to get to Matthew Wood's house and the best way to get home as we'd probably both end up drinking. I'd sighed and agreed. The taxi driver had actually been very decent as I'd fixed his car once he gave me a discount.

Outside the large and fancy house I felt nervous. I'd barely seen these people in eleven months and here I was about to come face to face with them. Part of me was praying they wouldn't recognise me.

Together we made our way through the already packed hallway. I had to admire this place it looked incredible. We made our way to the kitchen. Instantly I gravitated towards the beer. I grabbed the first one which was unopened and opened it against the counter with one swipe of my hand. It was a cool party trick Dom had taught me one night.

"Impressive," a guy called Travis said to me as I slugged back my first mouthful.

"Yeh, I thought so too," I joked lightly.

"Don't see many girls who look like you drinking beer," he said coming closer to me.

Mia had already got caught up to the girls and I knew she'd be okay and I'd find her later. Travis placed his hand on my hip and I realised quickly he didn't remember me.

"Hey buddy, hands off," I told him. "Never hear the saying you can look but don't touch."

He looked amused at my words and shook his head. He was nice to look at but had nothing on Dom. He had shallow green eyes whilst Dom's eyes were so dark they always reminded me of eyes that you could see right into his soul. Travis had pale blonde hair which flopped over his forehead, kind of a girly look in my opinion. I liked a muscular guy, someone who could pick me up like I weighed nothing, Travis would definitely struggle with lifting me off the ground.

"You don't dress like that if you don't want to be touched."

"You don't touch someone til they ask you too!" I snapped as I turned on my flimsy heel and walked away. I held my head up high as I knew I had nothing to be ashamed of. There was nothing wrong with having high standards and making sure no one could hurt you. I'd promised myself I'd wait to see how things would pan out between Dom and I so no guys for a while. Maybe he wouldn't want me when he left prison but something was telling me he was worth the wait.

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