Part 25 - Epilogue

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Letty's POV

Over the next two weeks our stealing got out of control. Dom won a Mazda to race in and he threw down his pink slip for the Escort and won me a Nissan 240SX. I loved the car but I couldn't wait to strip some of the stickers off her. She was overtly done up but Dom had known I loved those cars.

That's when things started getting weird around the store. This guy took to haunting it every day for tuna sandwiches. Mia said he was a nice guy. Truth be told I thought, well knew, she fancied him. He was sort of hot but Dom and I were desperate for a closer look. Desperate to see who this guy was who could have her flushing with colour when she spoke about him, sent her into such a tizzy she could barely formulate a comprehensible sentence when talking about him.

Dom started working in the back of the shop a day a week. Mia was working days at the minute as our employee was ill. I dropped in on him, one lunchtime when I knew the blonde guy would be there.  I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye as I walked by him.

"Hey girl, how you livin'?" I asked her with a smile as I made my way to the office.

"Good," her one word reply told me she didn't want to talk whilst he was here.

I opened the screen door to the office and I could see Dom smiling at them. Dom liked the guy, or at least respected him.

"What do you think?" I asked gently.

Dom slipped his arm around my waist. "I think that guy has made a very big impression on our Mia and that I'm going to have to tell him who's boss."

I chuckled, a low throaty laugh. "I think you're going to have to stay out of it for now Dom."

He grunted in reply. He knew I was right. I rested my head against him and Dom pulled me in closer.

"Let, tonight?" Dom asked in a low voice barely more than a growl.

"Yeh. Fine."

It scared me to my core I'd become so blasé about stealing. That when Dom said tonight. I said fine. It was so freaky how quick your life and your views change. Money changed people and it was changing me. What I loved most about the extra money was the freedom to fix up my car.

"Thanks a lot, Mia. See you tomorrow." The blonde guy stood up, leaving his empty plate on the counter. He ran a hand through his hair in that cringe worthy way so many celebrities did and turned to walk away.

"Sure," Mia's reply was barely more than a breath. I could tell by her flush she was delighted that he would be back tomorrow.

"Tomorrow?" Vince's reply was snide, daring. He hated this guy who was about to steal Mia from right under his nose.

"I love this part," Jesse cackled as Vince took off after the guy.

"Try Fatburger from now on. Get yourself a Double Cheese with fries for $2.95, faggot!" Vince's voice carried across the empty street. I rolled my eyes. No need to insult the poor dude.

"I like the tuna here." He shrugged all innocence and naivety. I liked him. He wasn't about to start a fist fight if he could avoid it.

"Bullshit. No one likes the tuna here."

Okay Vince the tuna was kinda crappy but no need to yell it outside the store for for goodness sake.

"Yeah, well, I do." This reply was more of a taunt. A rise to fight. Jesse stiffened beside me. Dom tensed. I sighed anticipating Vince's lunge for the guy. Which Vince did. He launched himself at the Ken doll and started to fight. Yet the Barbie doll bad moves. Fought back fair and hard.

"Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there? I'm sick of this shit. I'm not kidding, Dom. Get out there!" Mia's voice was shrill. No doubt worried about the damage to her crushes face.

"What did you put in that sandwich?" Dom chuckled as he watched on idly. He had no interest in being involved. In fact I was pretty sure he was as intrigued as I was to see who would win.

"That's funny." Mia's sarcasm stirred Dom especially as the two guys were headed for the ground. It was just getting embarrassing at this point. No one was doing any real damage and it was getting tiresome.

"Dom!" I yelled seeing it was going to spiral beyond control any time soon.

"All right." Dom heaved a sigh and headed out to the scene.

"Hey, man. He was in my face." The blonde dude argued as Dom pulled Vince away. This raised Dom's heckles. There was no insulting Dom's right hand man. Jesse hooked his skinny arms around the guy and held him in place.

"I'm in your face!" Dom raised his voice pushing Vince behind him and holding him back with a warning palm on his chest.

"Relax! Don't push it! You embarrass me! Get over there!" Dom yelled at Vince as he started to push past him. Dom had ordered Vince to the side lines to where Mia and I were. His face was bloody but we showed no sympathy. After all he waged a fight on the dude.

"Jesse, give me the wallet." Dom's orders were instantly obeyed. Jesse pulled the wallet from his trousers and threw it at Dom who caught it with one hand and rifled through it for the ID. "Brian Earl Spilner." Dom's voice rang through the empty street. "Sounds like a serial killer name. Is that what you are?"

"No, man." The reply was coupled with a head shake keen to prove he was suitable. He had clearly sussed this guy was something to Mia. Besides not coming here would ruin his chances with Mia.

"Don't come around here again."

"Hey, man. This is bullshit."

Dom paused thoughtfully and studied Brian did a long moment. His eyes glinted as he realised where he recognised him from.

"You work for Harry, right?"

"Yeah. I just started," Brian's reply was slightly hesitant. He clearly didn't realise the extent of Dom's influence. Brian would have no job by tomorrow.

"You were just fired."

Dom turned and walked away. Ready to make the call to Harry's. Brian was to be sacked. As bad as I felt for the kid, it was as much Vince's fault. I knew there was no budging Dom on this issue and it didn't concern me too much so I didn't dwell on it. He was just a kid.

Well.... That was until he showed up at the races a few weeks later and completely turned our lives upside down.

A/N that's the end guys. The first film picks up from here. Thank you for making it this far. Special shoot outs go to MsandMrToretto, Simonedebeor0412 and Anaara15 for reading and commenting on this story! I've really enjoyed reading your comments ❤️❤️❤️

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