Part 16 - The Races

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Letty's POV

The next day I went to the garage alone. The tension between Dom and I was thick in the air but I was too stubborn to apologise as was he. A reason we wouldn't be good together, we'd be explosive and have killer rows. We were simply just too similar. I worked through until six and returned to the house where dinner was ready.

"You going racing tonight?" Dom asked me.

I blinked shocked at the question. "Course, count me in."

He nodded gruffly and we ate dinner awkwardly together with Mia.

We sat around for a bit before I changed into a skirt I'd bought a while back along with a top. The top was sort of tight and it was pretty see through but I liked it and it looked good on me. I paired it with combat boots. The outfit screamed tough chick but I was almost glad not to be tugging on another pair of jeans. I put on a touch of makeup, just foundation and eyeliner. It made me feel more confident especially if I was going to race. Every girl has got a hang up.

At ten we left and Dom took me in his car with Mia. From the second we arrived Dom planted himself in the thick. Even I was scared of pushing myself into the centre of the racing circles.

Dom won his first race easily but lost the second by sheer fluke. Arrogance had driven him and he lost two large.

"Shit!" Mia cursed as Dom lost the race.

My eyes flicked closed involuntarily. Part of me was beginning to fear the months end. I'd taken one large with me to race and now I wasn't so sure if I could throw it down. We couldn't afford losses like that.

"Fuck," Dom cursed as he made his way back towards us.

Neither of us spoke. I was too irritated and Mia plain frustrated. We lingered awhile and I caught up with Josh who loved racing almost as much as I did.

Dom got very friendly with another girl and I felt my heart breaking as I watched him. He was kissing her and pawing round her. Mia glared at him and her face turned red. My own face was red with embarrassment as I realised I meant so little to him he was kissing round other girls for the thrill.

We left after one but Dom and I definitely weren't speaking.

I crawled into bed and when I was sure everyone was asleep I cried. God damn him he was breaking my heart. Burying my face in the pillow and pulling the duvet over my head so I wouldn't be heard I sobbed my heart out. I'd saved up all my tears for this, for when I managed to escape to bed and it poured out of me then. He was killing me. Damn him. I had real feelings for him. Every time he touched me I felt electric and thought he felt the same way too. I thought I'd seen it in his eyes. His eyes lit up when I entered a room. He'd wanted me to sleep beside him after his nightmare even though I'd told him sex wasn't on the table. I was so stupid to actually think he cared. He thought I'd give up my ass again for him. Part of me hated myself now for losing my virginity to a guy who was going to use me. I hated myself for working myself to the bone to preserve his Father's legacy for him.

I lay awake for a while longer and thought, maybe I should just go to Mexico. There wasn't a reason to stay any longer. Dom was home so Mia didn't need me. Mia would be upset but she'd get over it eventually. Dom would get taken up with a racer chaser and forget all about me as he buried himself between her legs.

Tears fell again and I let myself cry as I thought about leaving the place I called home. I'd miss 1327 and my room here. I'd miss the garage and the cars and the racing. Hell I'd miss Mia most as I'd be leaving my best friend behind. We'd been through everything together, thick and thin and I'd never forget everything the girl had done for me.

A knock sounded at my door so I remained silent.

"Let, it's only me." Dom's deep voice sounded at my door.

"Go away Dom."

"I want to talk."

"Dom I said go away!" I snapped as I pulled the duvet up higher around me. I hadn't bothered with pyjamas tonight and was instead wearing just a lace bra and panties and didn't want Dom coming in to get the wrong idea.

He came in anyway. Typical. Why ask to come in if you're going to barge in anyway? Dom stood in the open doorway and stared towards my bed.

Like I had done two nights ago he sat on the edge of my bed.

"What's wrong Let?" Dom murmured.

"Nothing Dom, just can't sleep." I slipped back into my easy role as tough chick.

"That makes two of us." He smiled gently at me and I felt myself melt a little. I shook that away. He wiped away a stray tear which had slipped past my guard.

"Want to tell me what's really wrong?" He asked as he pulled me close.

"You really hurt me tonight," I muttered. I hated conceding defeat but losing to him seemed worse than losing to anyone else somehow.


"Damn it Dom we don't have money to waste on races! I don't race unless I know I'm going to win! I thought you had more sense. You're wasting hard earned cash and that is killing me completely." My anger poured out. "Then you had your hands all over that skank in front of me. Kissing her, touching her. By doing that you were disrespecting me. Treating me like another skank to be dropped and lifted as it suits you. I won't stand for that!"

Dom's jaw dropped as I spoke. He never apologised but grabbed me and kissed me hard. His hands tangled in my hair in a rough, possessive kiss. As much as I hated him for what he'd done to me tonight it came out in the kiss as pure and raw passion.

"Letty, I don't kiss a girl like this unless I like her."

"It looked like you liked that other girl earlier."

"I didn't like her. I like you."

We kissed again. All the tension from the last few days was released in that kiss. Dom's hands began pushing the duvet down and I felt a cool draught as the bared skin of my back was exposed. Every touch was electric and I enjoyed the feel of his hands on my bare back. I sunk into it more and more running my hands across his bare chest almost moaning at the feel of his muscles beneath my palms.

After making out for a bit we lay down on my bed and Dom cuddled me close. I rested my head on his chest and I recalled praying for someone to look after me not eighteen months before. Now I had someone to help me I could barely adjust to it.

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