Part 23 - Hungover

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Letty's POV

Three months later on a Friday night we went to the races and finally because we had money to spend I threw down money, collecting victory money. It was reckless but I was beginning to warm to the feeling of having money to line my pockets with and it was nice to just toss a wad of notes down and know I still had plenty to keep the house over our heads.

That Friday night was the beginning of our weekly parties. Music buzzed through the air at our house and racers turned up carrying cases of beers and WKD. A few brought bottles of wine. I dropped by the off-licence and picked up Coronas and West Coast Cooler and oddly Malibu. I wasn't asked to present ID which was lucky, I didn't have any.

When I walked into our home everyone was in full party mode. The music had gotten louder and the girls had stripped off layers. Racer chasers, I scoffed internally. I headed towards the kitchen and spread my fare across the already loaded table. I snatched up a WKD and downed it quickly. That was me started so I opened a Corona. I wasn't a big drinker but I could drink if I wanted.

Soon I was dancing in the living room with Mia. My head was light from being both carefree and completely hammered out of my head. It was an incredible combination to be both carefree and drunk. Colours seemed brighter, the music better than it actually was, the company better than it would have ever been in reality. It was amazing what a bit of drink could do to colour your perception of events.

The next morning I woke with the worst hangover of my life. Downstairs I could already hear the loud voices that rang through the house on a Saturday morning. Dom had persuaded me to only open on a Saturday if we were really busy and with Jesse's help now we weren't as busy. To be honest sometimes the garage felt like a hobby which we pursued out of boredom and the heisting seemed more like our real profession now.

I dressed in one of Dom's shirts which was abandoned across the bed and slipped it on. It hung loosely on my slight frame. I rummaged in search of sunglasses as my eyes stung really badly, I wasn't ready to be sick but my head was splitting. Piling my hair on top of my head I didn't even glance in the mirror to see my reflection. I knew I looked like garbage but I didn't care.

As I appeared in the kitchen doorway I almost winced as Vince and Jesses were bragging loudly about the skanks they had scored with last night.

"She had the biggest rack I've ever seen!" Vince boasted, a grin plastered across his face.

"Her pussy was so tight!" Jesse announced.

Screwing up my nose I made my way to the kettle and started to boil it. Even the noise of the kettle boiling didn't drown their voices out. It was the smell of cigarette smoke that turned me first. At the table, despite the agreed rule no smoking in the house, Jesse was huffing on a cigarette.

"Put the damn cigarette out!" Mia whined as he blew smoke out in expert circles.

Even from here the smell was churning my stomach and making my head slightly light. I hated the smell of cigarette smoke with a passion.

"Jesse, put it out please," I requested. My voice was all croaky from where I'd been screaming along with the music last night.

Jesse obliged seemingly shocked at my polite request, usually I batted the damn thing out of his hand.

I made coffee and sat slumped at the table, my head in my hand. The temptation to head back up to bed was overwhelming especially as the degrading talk about girls continued and it seemed to get louder and louder.

"She knew exactly what to do with her...." Vince bragged before Mia interrupted them.

"We don't need to hear anymore now!" Mia snapped as she got up from the table.

Dom's POV

Letty emerged in the doorway of the kitchen wearing sunglasses and her tanned skin looked oddly pale. She leant over the counter waiting on the kettle to boil whilst Vince and Jesse boasted about their amazing nights with the racer chasers they had picked up last night. Their voices were getting louder and louder with every disgusted and definitely over exaggerated detail. Boasting about the racks these girls had and how tight they were.

Jesse lit up a cigarette despite the rule which Letty had insisted upon. It was her who had insisted that cigarettes were a banned substance in our house as the smell churned her. Mia wasn't fussed on the smell so Mia agreed. I wanted Jesse to quit so I had agreed to the rule as well. Vince just went along with the rule. I shot Jesse a warning look to put it out but he ignored me.

"Put the damn cigarette out!" Mia whined as Jesse took deep drags of the cigarette.

Across the room in a croaky voice, slightly cracked from too much alcohol and singing too loudly for hours the previous night. "Jesse please out it out."

Jesse obliged clearly feeling a bit of sympathy for Letty as he stubbed it out carefully on the front of his packet and tossed it out the window onto the tarmaced drive. He'd have to pick it up later.

Letty made coffee then sat down at the table and rested her head in her hand. Clearly nursing a hangover. She'd drunk quite a bit last night but it meant when we finally went to bed it had been a dirty night between the sheets. Something I couldn't boast about because I had respect for my girl. I could see even beneath her itching to go back up to bed but once Letty rose from her bed she remained up until nightfall.

"She knew exactly what to do with her..."

Vince was interrupted by Mia. Mia's face had turned chalky white as she hated the talk about women at the breakfast table and had been fidgeting uncomfortably for the last twenty minutes.

"We don't need to hear anymore now!" Mia snapped angrily. She rose from the table and pushed her chair out with a loud clatter. From beneath the sink she grabbed a roll of bin bags and started handing them out. "Jesse and Vince, seeing as yous like talking about women so much, go clean the living room together and talk there. Dom and I will do the kitchen!"

It was rare that Mia dished out orders but the boys nodded. She wanted them out of her hair. They had honestly been disgusting this morning, no one needed to know about a girls blowjob technique over breakfast.

She shut the door behind them and she and I started in to cleaning the kitchen. We gathered up the empty bottles and cups and tossed them into the bags. The clean up took almost an hour and the whole time Letty sat with her eyes closed behind her sunglasses.

I made her a fresh cup of coffee and she took it outside and sat in one of the chairs at the table. Outside was probably quieter than inside the house what with Mia and I chattering about nothing important and Jesse and Vince yelling at each other in the living room, still boasting about their conquests.

After two I chanced speaking to Letty properly.

"You okay?" I murmured as I sat down beside her.

"Just hungover. Ain't your fault, you didn't make me drink it," she said with a sigh.

I chuckled at her weak joke. I may not have made her drink it but I hadn't stopped her either.

"You want to go for a drive?"

"Do I need to change?" She asked sarcastically.

"Maybe but I'm fine with what you're wearing."

Honestly there is something about a woman wearing a man's shirt that is really really attractive. It's somewhat sexy. I wasn't sure what it was but seeing Letty dressed in my clothes was beautiful. She got up off the chair and I realised how short the shirt was, it fell to her mid thigh and made her legs look long and lean. I watched her as she made her way into the house and had to smile. As I watched her I realised I loved her more than words could ever say. I was completely and utterly enchanted by her and I hadn't even told her yet. In my mind rang Mia's words, "Don't leave it too long to tell her how you feel Dom." "It's better to keep everything out in the open."

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