Chapter two:

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A/n: Please guys and girls: Comment, vote, tell me what you think of it:))) I would really appreciate it. Please and Thankyou!:)

And this is still another boring chapter:)

Ohyeah, and I did my research about New York and stuff to make it seem legit. So if it's not accurate, I'm sorry in advance.

CHAPTER 2: The trip

When I went home that Friday, I kept thinking of ways to tell my parents about my trip to New York. They're going to kill me if they found out I accepted an offer to go out of town for a week before I even asked them their opinions. They're control freaks, yes, and they are very strict yet loving.

I couldn't have asked for better parents. I don't even have a curfew unlike my friends, or brother. I could hear the gravel crunching underneath my blue Honda Civic, and soon enough the familiar green roof of my house came into view. We've been living in Brick Township all my life, and the house we live in has been in my dad's family for decades. It's one of the oldest houses in the neighborhood, but we had it re-designed so it wouldn't look like a haunted house. So now it looks like a Victorian era inspired house inside and out. I parked my car on our driveway, beside my parent's SUV.

I barely touched the door knob of the front door when it swung open revealing my mom.

"Hi mom,"

"Victoria, we have to talk." Yep, I knew it. I'm in deep trouble.

"How'd you know?" I asked, cutting to the chase. I sat down on our chaise, and was fiddling on the hem of my dress.

"Your principal called, very early in the morning. He told me about the trip, and said you accepted. Are you sure you want to go? It's New York, and you'll be on your own."

I put my hands up in front of me, and that shut my mom up.

"I'm not going to be alone mom, Cole will come too. And I've always wanted to go to New York; you know that I want to be a writer too. And now that my chance is here, you know that it's great exposure, I can make new friends and expand my network. Isn't that what you and dad always say? Take every opportunity and risk it?"

I admit; I can be pretty charismatic when needed. I guess I got that from my dad. He can charm his way out of anything, any time. I also got the confidence and boldness of my mother, or at least that's what everyone says.

"I suppose, but New York is not safe for a sixteen year-old girl. But if you really want to go, who am I to hold you back?" She says, as she made her way to me and sat down beside me.

"Thanks mom. So, where's dad?" I asked, and leaned my head to her shoulder.

Everyone says my mom and I look alike; we both have soft dark brown hair, dark eyes that are almost black, tall and tan. I admit to being pretty, but not as near a knock-out like my mom. My dad on the other hand, has blonde hair, blue eyes, a great build, he has the all-American look. My brother looks like him too, except that his eyes are brown and he's not that into sports much. I look up at my mom and she smiled at me.

"He's going to be late for dinner, but I already told him about the trip, he told me that whatever you thought was best for you, you should do it."

"Thanks mom, I'm going to go pack now." She nods and heads off to the kitchen. I'm glad that was over, turned out to be better than expected.

I still wasn't finished packing when my mom called me to come down for dinner, so she brought dinner up to my room. I filled one suitcase full of clothes and other necessities, and brought out a tote bag of mine, that's where I'll put all my valuables in. When I was finally done, it was near one thirty A.M. I climbed onto my bed that suddenly seemed so inviting, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.

I woke up around noon, when I opened my eyes, I groaned at the mess I made last night. "Great, now I have to clean this all up again." I said aloud to myself as I got up and started picking stuff off of the floor. My phone rang then, and I dove for it under the covers.

"Hey, what's new?" I say to the person on the other line, while continuing cleaning my stuff up. "Do you always greet people like that?" A girl's voice said; I immediately knew who it was.

"Why hello Miss Katherine Johanna Wilson, have you had a fine morning?" I ask, imitating her butler's morning greeting.

"Victoria Madeline Hepburn, what makes you think you can say my whole name without my permission?" Kitty replies in her best snobby tone.

I laugh, "Kitty, seriously, why you calling?" I look around my room. It looks clean enough for me,

"Nothing, just wanted to know what you're up to. I cannot believe you would take Cole with you to New York, are you two dating?" She asks, rather very straightforward. I had to stifle a giggle. Everyone asks me that question,

"Kitty, don't pull that stunt with me, why you jealous?" I smirked.

"You only say that because you don't see what everyone else sees. And you know that a lot of people don't believe in boy-girl friendships, even the most platonic ones."

That's a first. I've never heard Kitty talk like that before, but she knows that nothing is going on between me and Cole.

"Kitty, you know better right? Nothing is going on between me and Cole. So can we please drop it?" I say, I hear her sigh on the other end.

"I know, I guess I'm just jealous that you're taking him with you. You know how much I would love to go to New York right?" The exasperated tone on her voice is evident.

"I know Kitty, maybe there's something better for you." I say, trying to cheer her up. I could picture her now, shoulders slumped and head hung low, an evident sign of admitting defeat.

"Okay, at least promise me one thing?"

"Okay, I'll try to keep that promise." She giggled before she continued.

"Snag me a city boy will you?" I had to laugh at that. That's Kitty being herself again.

"I'll definitely try." With that, I hung up.

The rest of the day passed by fast, I double-checked everything, and made sure to remind my staff at the Centennial of their work load for the rest of the week. When Sunday morning came, I got dressed in jeans and a white tank top, and my favorite cream colored cardigan; I slipped on black ballet flats and was ready to go. My dad drove me to school, and since New York was a bit close to New Jersey, we were taking the school bus. I got out of the car, a bit too eager to go.

"Hey Tori, I want you to have fun, but not that much, okay?" My dad warned.

I chuckled, "You got it dad."

I got my suitcase out of the trunk, and grabbed my tote from the backseat. It was a bit heavy and struggled to keep my balance.

"Here, let me help you with that." I heard someone say behind me, it was Cole.

He grabbed my suitcase with impressive ease, and made his way to the school bus when my dad stopped him.

"Cole, take care of Tori okay?"

"Dad, you don't have to do that. I can take care of myself," I whined.

"Tori, it's okay. Yes Mr. Hepburn, I'll try my best." Cole promised to my dad, while giving him a mock salute. After that, he walked away.

"Well, that's comforting to hear. It's nice to have a bodyguard now." I say sarcastically to my dad.

"Oh hush up. Bye kiddo, have a nice time." I nod and made my way to the school bus. Coach Red was checking attendance when I made my way inside. As soon as I stepped inside the bus, a ball almost hit me on my forehead.

"What the hell guys?" I shriek, good thing I caught the ball.

"Sorry Tori; didn't mean to." A sheepish looking Steven-captain of the basketball team- said to me. I handed him the ball and took my seat up front, near the window.

"Isn't this exciting?" A cheeky looking Cole said, as he sat next to me.

"Right, I'm bored already." I wouldn't have gone to this trip if it weren't for the fact that we were going to New York. Truth is; sport's bored me to death, even if I'm very athletic myself. I wouldn't be surprised if I get bored the whole time training sessions start. But boy; was I wrong. 

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