Chapter three:

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A/N: I'm going to edit the first few chapters sooner or later, so don't worry:)) Oh, and please vote and comment.Thanks!

Oh and I'm introducing a new character.:)

 If my description of the places here aren't accurate enough, please tell me so I can work on it again:)

CHAPTER 3: New York

We got to New York after a few hours of driving.  I hopped out of the bus as soon as it stopped, glad to stretch my legs for a bit. I took in my surroundings, everything is so surreal to me, it's like I'm in a dream.

"This is where my adventure begins," I thought to myself.

Everywhere I look; my eyes would meet tall buildings and wonderful architectures. It was almost near sunset now, so we headed off to our hotel. Cole and I both have our own hotel rooms, with his right next to mine. The whole team rented the entire right hallway of the hotel, and everyone had a roommate, except me and Cole.

I put my suitcase and tote bag on one side; I figured I'd just unpack later. The room wasn't a suite, but it was a deluxe with one bed. I made my way to the window, and it literally overlooked Broadway and Times Square. I could see the sky turning purple and red on the horizon, I am really starting to like this place. I wanted to explore, and since training really didn't start until tomorrow morning, I have the rest of the afternoon and night to myself. I whipped out my phone and texted Cole,

"Let's go and get out of this place, savvy?:)" Five seconds later I got a reply.

"I'm game."

I fished a satchel out of my bag and put in my camera, phone, wallet and other things I need and went out of my room. Cole and I met on the lobby, and was about to sprint out of the place when we were caught by coach Red.

"Where are you two going?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"We were just going to explore, we won't go far coach, promise." I said, turning on the charm. I could see him about to give in, and I added an innocent smile.

"Well, okay. But be sure to be back by nine, okay?" I quickly nodded and grabbed Cole's hand and we ran out of there.

"What was that?" He asked suddenly stopping.

"What was what? Come on, we're wasting precious time."

"I didn't know you had a charming side," He raised his eyebrows at me.

"There are a lot of things you still don't know about me." I reply slyly.

We were walking through Broadway district, and I couldn't suppress a smile as we walked. I was finally here, almost living the dream. The city lights are so bright and beautiful, illuminating every alley way we passed. And all the time, I kept looking at Cole, and it suddenly struck me at how hot and gorgeous he is. I forced the feeling out of me before it got out of hand.

"I could get used to this." I tell Cole, he nodded in response.

"Me too,"

We continued walking, stopping only to buy cream puffs from a side walk vendor. We were in Madison Square now, and we sat on one of the benches.

"Kitty called me yesterday you know," He suddenly blurted out.

"What did she say?"

"Well, she really pointed out that she's really jealous that you picked me. And she said something else," He stopped and looked at me.

"What?" I say anxiously, although I can see where this is going.

"She asked me if I liked you," Uh-oh.

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