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A/N: So I'm new at this :) Tell me what you think of it first before I continue. First few chapters are soo boring,  I know. But I promise it's goint to get better:)


I ran as fast as I could through the forest. Dodging everything in front of me, I looked behind me to see Gwyn gaining speed. We had to act fast, before everything was too late. I could see the castle looming over in the distance.

It wasn't anything like Cinderella's castle; this thing was built like a prison. Ivy's and vines grew everywhere and crawled up the whole place, making the place look like it grew from underneath the ground.

I burst through the wrought iron gates, pushed past the sea of people crowding the garden. As I made my way towards the center of the square, I heard a whiplash, it echoed throughout the walls of the square.

Then I heard another, and another. I felt the tears pooling on the edge of my eyes.

"I can't let this happen," I thought to myself.

I tried to gain more speed, even though my legs hurt and I could feel the cramps forming on the side of my stomach.

Finally, I could see the center of the square, but there were guards around, forming a circle on the figure. I could see them now, but barely.

He was covered in so much blood; you could not make out his face anymore. He was tied up on all fours, facing the crowd. I saw a hooded man beside him, raising his axe and ready to strike down any moment.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the sickening swish of the axe, signaling his doom.

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