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I want you to want me.

I want you to want me so bad that your lips go dry and you forget what sweet tastes like.

I want to fill you with an unquenchable hunger for my skin
and my eyes
and my fragrance.

I want you to ache when you see me walk past.

I want you to want me so bad you forget your own name
and can only cry out mine in desperation.

I want you to dream me.
I want to haunt your every step and steal every gasping breath that dared to leave your lungs in rebellion against me.

I want you to want me
Because I can't move without your voice calling me from the void.

Because I sleep only to have my hands go numb so I may dream of your arms around me.

Because with every sunset I weep that you are not there to end the hour in my arms.

I want you to want me the way I want to claw your back and kiss your shoulders.

I want you to want me, the way I beg that the tree tapping on my window
In the storm is you, come to save me from the lions and floods of my own wilderness.

I want you
To want me

Because every day I die thinking I may only be the cloud in your sky
that blocks the moon.

I hope you know
That more then this
I want you to love me

I want you to love me
the way smoke loves fire
I want you to love me the way
they warned you never to love anyone.

I want you
And I love you
And I need you to know that

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