Stars secret and the first flashback

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Stars POV

My face is sooo red! Why am i freaking out? Why is everyone freaking out? I mean it's just Tom. It's just the devil prince of the underworld and my ex-boyfriend which i myself had dumped. I covered my face with my hands. I slowly peeked at Marco. He was spluttering and he looked angry. Did i make a mistake in choosing tom? Had Marco wanted me to choose him after all?

The silence cleared and a cheer erupted from everyone, which started from Toms parents. They looked delighted. Marco wasn't delighted. I can't face him. The cheer lasted for quite some time. Some sort of party started. I wasn't informed of a party; to be frank i hadn't been informed about any of this until i entered the room. Drinks and food were brought out. I didn't want to stay for this. I quickly and silently escaped the ballroom, just as Marco had come towards me. Phew! I really did not want to hear what Marco had to say.

I hurried up the steps and towards my old bedroom. Man! I missed this place. I reached my room; it was exactly how it was when i left. I am sooo happy!! I jumped onto my bed and magicked myself more comfortable clothes. I breathed in the sweet marshmallow air of my room. Wait. Marshmallows? My room never smelt of marshmallows. I hastily got up and i saw-

"Tom! What are you doing here! Who told you to come here?" i started throwing my pillows on him.

"Hey! Future maybe husband walking here!" his face was unseeable due to the mountain of pillows i had thrown on him, but when i finally saw his face he wasn't angry like i expected him to be, he was smiling.

"Hey star, why did you choose me? I thought you hated me." he was avoiding my gaze, he looked so pained. I just couldn't help hugging him.

He flinched in surprise. But then hugged me back. It was so long so long since i last hugged him like this. He is so warm; he smelt like marshmallows, he is so strong. A memory started coming back to me.


Ouch! I clutch my fingers. The tips of my fingers had a dark burn stained on them

Careful star! He put away his marshmallow stick and reached out to touch my fingers. He caressed it softly; he lifted up my hand and lightly kissed my fingers, a tingle of happiness rushed from the tips of my burnt nails to the core of my heart.

He reached for a bottle of water and poured a little over my fingers, to cool then down.

Upon putting back the water he gave me one of his toasted marshmallows, with the stick, for me to eat. I reached out to take it but flinched away as my fingers still hurt. He smiled softly and directed the soft sweet smelling food towards my mouth. I bit into it.

I've never tasted this before. Tom hadn't let me taste a normal one till I had tasted a toasted one which he confirmed was the best.

He leaned towards me; his eyes were beautiful, bright crimson red. His breath smelled of marshmallows. They were officially my new favorite food. He leaned closer and closer. A blush spilled across my face. I leaned back as his speed didn't seem to slow. And then I fell into the water.


"I leaned towards his ear and whispered, "Tom?"

"Yes star?"

"How long have you been anger free?"

"A long time, star, hoping that you would return to me, seeing that I've changed."

I looked up into his crimson eyes. "Tom-"

"Princess, you mother wishes to speak with you privately." one of the guards said interrupting what i was about to say. I grumbled my curses and tom chuckled at my impatience at the guard. I turned to smirk at him. "I'm not done with you yet, Tom Lucitor"

"As i with you Star Lucitor." he smirked right back at me.

I blushed, he caught it and laughed. "Damn you." i said and hurried down the steps with that infuriating guard, who had been watching us intently after he had arrived, with amusement.

As i reached the bottom of the spiral staircase, i was greeted with the concerned looks of Marco and my mother. So much for privacy.

I took a deep breath, and breathed out. Before my mother could start with her question, i had already started to tell them the secret i had kept to myself for a long time.

"Mom, Marco, I have something to tell you. Something none of you know."

"Star, what's wrong yore tone of voice is worrying me a bit."

"Right before I broke up with tom, I sort of cast a spell on myself."

"But you didn't even have your wand then. I did magic without it. I was crying and crying, and I was so broken I couldn't bear any more pain so I cast a spell on myself. I found the spell in the ancient library you still haven't officially shown me."

"You knew about that library?"

"Yes I found it one day, i went through the books to see if there was any spell I could use. But I couldn't find any use for them until I wanted to break up with tom."

"What was the spell?" Marco suddenly speaks, hearing his voice give me a sense of familiarity.

"The spell I used erased my memories of my time with him and left me knowing I broke up with him for a good reason, but I never remembered what that reason was. And seeing tom again, and the little things about him triggered a memory, a-a good one," my voice faltered a bit.

"I still don't understand, star. Why did you erase your memories before you broke up with him, to break up with him?"

"i-i don't remember" my old headache returned to me. Erasing my memory is causing me so much discomfort.

Marco hugged me, and my mother joined in. we stayed like that for a while, none of us moved. Then my mom spoke, "I respect your decision." Then Marco said, "As do i." I looked into his brown eyes, he looked had on a reassuring smile.

Thank you.

But anyway, I hire Marco as your personal bodyguard knight.

Later onwards

Marcos POV

Star told me and her mother a story she had kept secret for a long time. It must be a relief to finally get that off her chest. She must have revealed that to us because, now that she is getting her memories back; she wants support. But, I'm not that happy at her being with Tom. I'm getting quite possessive, aren't i?

I will respect her decisions, and support her no matter what, though I can't help thinking I'm losing her. I can't lose her!

There's no reason to lose her. If she ends up with Tom, I will still be her best friend, wont i? And, there is also a chance that she won't stay with tom. Why aren't I satisfied with being her best friend? No! I am satisfied I'm just worried, I'm worried about Star. Yes! That's right! I'm worried about Star!

Stars going to the underworld with Tom day after tomorrow and I have to and want to go with her. To make sure Tom doesn't do anything to my Star

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