Chapter 12

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" Baekhyun, I swear if you still follow me, I will do report " I warned him. Then, continued walking. I really can't hold myself anymore.

" I told you not to - " He kissed me on lips. After a few moment, he broke the kissed. I mentally slapped my head when I found out what I just did.

" You - you - I'm so done with you " I stomped my feet and left him.

I'm really happy when I found out that I don't have to come work today but Baekhyun spoiled my mood. He kept following me around that made me uncomfortable. You know what shocking me, he found a boyfriend for Miyoung. I'm totally mental broke down when Miyoung told me that she have a boyfriend now.

Wait, I'm not saying that she can't have boyfriend but it just - never mind. I hope she happy with him. Then, I'm fine. I stared at living room blankly. What I'm going to do alone ? This really bored. Suddenly, my phone rang. I checked it and sighed. It Baekhyun. Whatever.

I watched drama. No, I'm not. I just let it open so I won't feel alone here. A few minutes later, my phone rang again. It's Baekhyun. What's on earth he wants from me ? I decided to pick up it so I pressed the green button.

" Hello ? " I started. There no answer.

" Not funny, Baekhyun " I continued. Still no answer.

" Baekhyun ? " I called his name nervously. Is it something happened to him. When I felt like I got chills, I immediately pressed the red button to end the call.

I almost jump from my seat when the bell rang. I gulped hard. What if this really not Baekhyun ? I took something to protect myself and walked to door. I hope I will be safe. I don't want to die yet. I opener the door and revealed Baekhyun stood in front of me with confused look. I sighed in relief.

" Why you so pale ? " he asked me worriedly.

" Did you call me early ? " I asked him. He raised his eyebrows.

" Huh ? I left my phone at home and how can I do that ? " His answered really make me want to faint here.

" I come here to give you this. Miyoung want to give you because she can't back home today " he handed me a bag. I took it.

" I'm going " He said.

" Baekhyun " I bit my lower lips when he looked at me.

" Is it Miyoung really won't back ? " he shrugged his shoulder. Should I ask him ?

" If nothing, I'm going " He said.

" Wait " oh no.

" Please stay with me " I exclaimed and looked down.

" No " what ?

" You can back to my house. I'm sure it won't be nice if only both of us inside " He added.

" I will change " I exclaimed and ran to my room.

I will let the door opened since I know Baekhyun won't step inside. I don't want to be alone at home so it's better I follow him. I can meet Baekhee. Okay, put away all the promise. After finished, I took my phone and locked the door.

We walked side by side. There no word come out from our mouth. Sometimes, I took a glance at him. Is it he mad about early ? I sneezed when the wind blowing. Oh, why tonight so cold ? I hugged myself. This won't be good.

" Are you okay ? " Baekhyun asked me worriedly.

" Yeah " I replied.

I sneezed again. I should wear another sweater if I know tonight will be this cold. Suddenly, someone pulled me into his embraced that made me froze. I looked up and saw Baekhyun stared at me. Since I'm shorter than him, I can hear his heartbeat clearly. It freaking fast.

" From now on, I will be your warmness "

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