Chapter 20

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           I checked the time and I almost cursed when I remember that I'm late. Luckily, my dinner with client already finished. I told Joonyoung to send me. Oh great, 10 minutes before Baekhwan's performance. I had decided to take train since it faster and close to the venue. I kept running until I arrived. Another problem, how to find the others ?

           I sighed when I know that it's hard for me to find others. My lips formed a smile when I saw Baekhwan and his gang on stage. I recorded his performance with my phone. I clapped when his turn ended. Suddenly, I heard beep sound from my phone. It's Joonyoung. He said he outside. I don't have choice but to leave.

" So, how is it ? " Joonyoung asked.

" Luckily, I can watched it " I replied with proud smile.

" I worried about something " I looked at him confusedly.

" Your father might don't have power to separate Baekhyun from you but he still have power to do something bad to his family " he explained.

" You mean, he will use Baekhwan or Baekhee or omma ? " I asked. He nodded.

" You know if he use that way, it will be easy for him to leave you " I know. Baekhyun will think that I'm his burden and leave me for his family.

" What did you told Baekhyun that made him propose me ? " I wonder about this. There no chance for me to ask him since he can't be contact for the whole three months.

" Unnie ! " I saw Baekhee ran to me. I turned to check on Joonyoung but he nowhere to be found.

" Did Unnie watched oppa early ? " Baekhee asked. Baekhyun looked at me with question look.

" Of course " I replied.

           Baekhyun drove us to his house. Baekhee didn't stop to tell us how good looking Baekhwan were. I can't help but to smile at every words she said. I turned to look at Baekhyun. His smile never faded when he's with his family. If something happened to our relationship and his family, what will he choose ?

           Will he choose his family over me ? I shook my thought. Of course, he will choose his family. I'm just a new person who come into his life while his family already there with him since he born. Only me who will choose our relationship over my own family. No, I'm won't. Whatever.

" Baekhwan, can you help me ? " I asked Baekhwan when the others already stepped into house. Baekhyun looked at me confusedly. I opened the bonnet.

" Noona, what is it ? " Baekhwan asked excitedly.

" My present for you. I promise to give you present after you debut but I don't have time " I explained.

" Thank you, noona. Noona are the best " he showed me his thumbs.

" You surely know how to make them smile " Baekhyun commented. I smiled before locked the car.

             We stepped into his house. Looks like omma prepared for Baekhwan. There have a lot of foods she made. I need to take shower first. I guess I will borrow Baekhyun's clothes. I stepped out from his room and saw how happy they were. I took a deep breath before walked to them.

" Let's celebrate Baekhwan " Baekhyun said. We cheer together. No alcohol since Baekhee here.

" Let's celebrate for Baekhyun hyung and Minseo noona " Baekhwan said. I gave him small smile.

          The dinner really great. We had a lot of fun. After dinner, I decided to take fresh air outside. I sighed heavily when I remember back what Joonyoung told me. Suddenly, someone hugged me from back. From his scent, I know who was that so I just ignore it.

" What's bothering you ? " he asked.

" Baek, if time need you to choose between us or your family, what will you choose ? " Baekhyun looked at me confusedly.

" Why you ask me that ? Hey, is it something happened ? Is it dad doing something ?  " he asked. I shook my head.

" Just because " I replied.

" We promised that we will go through everything together, so there no time can make me choose "

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