Chapter 35

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A smile formed on my lips when I'm satisfied with my make up. A guy showed up beside me. I nodded and took my bag. We going to have dinner with Mr Lee and his wife tonight. Of course, we took taxi. We don't have car, remember ? We will eat at hotel five star. Great. It must be western food.

" Sorry if we made you waiting " I apologize.

" We also just arrived. Take a seat " Mr Lee said. Baekhyun sat beside me.

" Darling, this is Ms Kim that I told you " Mr Lee introduced me to his wife.

" Nice to meet you " we handshake.

" You got a handsome secretary there " Mrs Lee commented. I smiled and nodded in agree.

" Have you look around ? " Mr Lee asked.

" Yeah. Malacca really nice place to visit " I replied.

" Of course " we laughed.

Our food arrived. Like I told you, western food. Chicken chop. We had a chitchat together. Mrs Lee really a nice woman. She reminded me of mom. Baekhyun talked with Mr Lee. It's guy talk. Baekhyun really easy to get along with our client and thanks to him that I never had awkward moment with our client.

" Both of you is single, why don't you try ? " Mr Lee suggested that made Baekhyun chocked. I helped him.

" Yeah, I noticed that both of you look alike. Actually, I thought both of you was a sibling. People said if your face look alike it's mean you are mean to each other " Mrs Lee added. I smiled.

" When will you guys back ? " Mr Lee asked.

" After this " Baekhyun replied.

" That's fast ? I was about to ask my son to show you around " Mrs Lee said sadly.

" It's pity but we got something urgent " Baekhyun said.
" So you guys can't stay longer now ? " Mr Lee asked worriedly.

" Nope, our flight on 11 pm later " I replied.

" I can ask my son send you. He also need to go KLIA after this " Mr Lee suggested.

" It's okay. We don't want to make it hard " Baekhyun refused politely. They nodded understand.

We left to hotel to get our bag since we need to check out now or we will miss our flight. It took us a few hours to arrive airport. I wonder what urgent he told me but I don't want to ask him. I believe in him. When we arrived, we need to get on flight. Luckily, we on time or bye bye.

I decided to take a nap since it long way to go. Baekhyun really quiet since early. Maybe he was tired. I shook my head and closed my eyes. Let's go to wonderland right now. I'm too tired for today. I need some rest. Okay, I will sleep now.

A little push made me wake up from my dreamland. It's Baekhyun. He told me that we arrived. Don't you think it too fast ? Is it the pilot did drift early ? He drove in high speed right ? I'm still sleepy but I still need to walk. I saw Joonyoung waiting for us. He pick up us ? Yeah.

" We arrived " I opened my eyes slowly. I sleep again ! But wait, this not my house. It's hospital ?

" What we doing here ? " I asked them.

" Dad waiting upstairs " Baekhyun said. He ignored my question. I followed them. I saw mom and dad waiting outside of suite.

" You here ? " I looked at dad weirdly when he asked me that.

" Taehun accident and he coma now. None of his family come to visit him " Dad told me. I turned my head to Baekhyun. He kept looking down. That expression he put before.

" Then ? "

" Please visit him. Maybe he will wake up after hear your voice " Dad begged me.

" Dad, don't push her too much " Joonyoung said full with warn. My eyes tried to find Baekhyun and saw him walked away.

" Dad, I'm - "

" Please "

What should I do ?


:( I'm really sorry for updating late.

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