Chapter 3

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Julie walked into the studio and sat down in the chair. The producers Zayn had set her up with were already there listening back to what they had done the past few days. She was still amazed that the lyrics she had written were playing over the speakers. Not only her lyrics, but they also had her record the demo. Her. She had sung her own words on tape. She knew it was nothing like a real singer could do it, but she was surprised that it didn't sound half bad. They had recorded four songs in three days, and she was tired. But it was worth it. She hoped something would get picked up. The producers were going to send samples out to a few labels and see if there was anyone interested. It was such an exciting time. They had worked out a few more details and sounds on the songs and were just about to wrap up when Julie heard Zayn's voice. She turned and looked at him. "What are you doing here?"

"They told me they were finishing up here with you today, so I wanted to come and see how it went. And?" He asked.

She couldn't help but smile. "It went well. It actually went really well. These guys are amazing. And so kind and helpful. I can't thank you enough." She replied. Her smile wouldn't leave. It had been a long time since she had felt she'd even been able to smile. She had done this. With just a tiny bit of help. Just some names.

"I didn't do anything except ask a few people to give it a chance. No big deal. So, can I hear?" He asked.

"I, uh, I, I don't know." She stammered. Now she was freaking out. Zayn wanted to hear the recordings? Her songs? Her vocals? Yeah, this wasn't what she'd planned. But he had helped her. He had gotten her this chance. He was the reason these producers would even work with her. "Yeah, I mean sure, if it's ok with them." The producers nodded in agreement and told Zayn they were cued up and he just had to press play. He sat down at the board and motioned for Julie to sit next to him. She did so, but she couldn't look at him. She looked down at her hands the entire time the songs were playing.

"That's you?" Zayn asked her. "You did the demos?"

She nodded. "Yeah, they figured it was the best way to show them off."

"It was amazing. I didn't know you could sing." He said.

"Um, I can't, not really. I can't wait until some real singer sings them. Well, at least I hope they do, someday. Panda actually can hold a tune better than I can." Julie shrugged.

"Well, I think these songs are perfect. I'm sure someone will pick them up." He said standing up and pulling her into a hug. "It's good to see you do this, JJ. It's wonderful to see you do something so positive for yourself."

She let out a breath and hugged him back. Zayn's words meant a lot. She was trying to do things that meant something to her. That she was able to accomplish on her own. "Thank you. You have no idea what that means to me."

"When I saw your notebook in Florida, even though I shouldn't have snatched it, I saw just a brief bit of what you had written. I knew then that it was more than just some hobby or random thoughts." He told her. He sat down and then pulled her hand so that she sat in the chair in front of his. "I'm so glad you decided to show your work instead of hiding it."

"It's just a lot, ya know? Those words I wrote, they're so personal. It's just, to the people who know me, it's all me. That's a lot to show." She said. "And opening that part of me up didn't do so well for me lately." She said thinking about how she had shown Harry everything. Trusting him completely with her soul.

Zayn took her hands and leaned his elbows on his knees. "I get that this is hard, putting yourself out there like that. I get that things haven't been going great for you lately. But don't let anyone bring you down again. I've kept in touch with Liam a little. He explained Vegas and what you did. I'm so proud of you." He picked up her hand and kissed it. "The first time in Vegas, I wanted to rip his face off."

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