Chapter 70

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About mid-February, Julie walked into Niall's house. She was going to go through the final plans for the party for Amanda and Niall. Harry and she had wanted to surprise them, but including the engaged couple in the process just seemed easier. They had agreed to go along with the smaller combined party and then go their separate ways. Then shortly after the party, they would all go to Ireland to finalize plans for the wedding. In less than a month, Niall and Amanda would be husband and wife. It was crazy to her how much had happened and how much life had changed since the day Niall walked into the ER, or rather hobbled. She couldn't believe all the events that had occurred since that fateful day. Both good and bad. She picked her mail up from the basket by the door. It was her routine when she came 'home'. She used that term loosely as she felt like she didn't really have a 'home', at the moment. She spent her time shuttling back and forth between Niall's and Harry's.

Technically, Niall's place was still her home. All her mail was sent here, and she put Niall's address on all her documents, but she'd spent just as much time, if not more, at Harry's. If he was in LA, she was most likely to be found at his house. But when he wasn't, she stayed with Niall and Amanda. She shook her head. Part of her wondered if she was afraid to settle into anything permanently. Especially with Harry. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. She wondered if she would ever get over her fear of completely giving every part of herself to anyone, or anything. She opened up a few pieces of junk mail, a couple of bills, and then stopped at an envelope and stared at the return address. What could it be? She opened the envelope and read through the information. She immediately dropped to the step going down into the living room. Julie sat and stared at the paper, and she couldn't comprehend what she was reading. Why? Just, why?

Julie wasn't even aware of how long she'd been sitting there dazed before she heard Panda call her name. To her ears, it sounded like Panda was really far away. She shook her head when she felt a hand shake her shoulder gently. She looked up at Panda but still felt extremely confused.

"JJ!" Amanda squatted down in front of her. "What the hell is going on?" She looked at JJ's eyes but could tell JJ wasn't quite comprehending what she was saying. She looked at the paper in JJ's hands and gently removed it. She read over the words and fell down onto the floor beside Julie. "Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me." She read the paper again. "Why?"

Julie just stared at Panda for another few minutes. She couldn't quite come to grips on it herself. "I don't know." She cleared her throat. She hadn't even realized how full of emotion she was. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I just don't know."

"God damn it." Amanda said standing up. She couldn't believe this was happening. And now? Really?

"I'm sorry." Julie said standing up and taking the paper from Panda. "You shouldn't worry about this. Especially now." She pushed the paper back into the envelope and grabbed her bag and walked towards her room.

Amanda grabbed her arm gently and sighed when Julie cringed. "Don't do that. It doesn't matter if I were getting married tomorrow. When will you learn, JJ, you're my best friend? I'm going to be here for you, no matter what else is going on."

Julie stopped and turned and looked at Amanda. She felt so lost. Completely, utterly lost. She shrugged slightly and tried to step back when Panda stepped up and hugged her tightly. She didn't want to cry, but she knew once she felt Panda's arms around her that she would, and she was right. She broke. Why did things have to keep coming back and biting her? She was content and happy. She had just been wondering why she couldn't let go completely, and this was why. Something always happened. The other shoe always dropped. Julie pulled away from Amanda after a few minutes. "Just, I can't right now. Please, just, I need some time." She squeezed Panda's hand and turned and walked away quickly. She needed to be alone. She needed to figure out how she felt and what she was going to do with this newest catastrophe.

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