Chapter 17

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Niall walked into the bedroom and saw Amanda changing. Amanda turned away from him stiffly. "Come on, Amanda. You can't seriously be angry with me."

"What is that supposed to mean? Of course, I'm angry with you." Amanda said turning around to face Niall, hands on hips. "Niall, this was the first time since Harry broke up with her that JJ came to any of us for help with anything. And the first thing that you do is go to the person she has been trying to avoid."

"Look, I already feel guilty enough. I don't need you to be mad too." He said sitting down on the bed.

"Good. You should feel guilty. Look, I get it. I do, trust me. You have no idea how bad I wish those two would talk. But it's you who has shown me, Niall, that if she's not ready, then she's not. And that she needs more patience than anyone. And then you're the one who calls Harry first thing." Amanda said shaking her head. "You fucked up, babe. And I'm trying to figure out how I can do damage control when she's not going to even let me in."

Niall closed his eyes. "Fuck. Amanda. I just knew he would be the one to make that song perfect for her."

"Yeah, of course, but you had to know it wouldn't go well. Niall, I know you did." She crossed her arms. "Are you going to tell me you didn't?"

"No, I did. Honestly, I was prepared for her to be angry about it, not react like she did." He admitted.

"Well, dear, you should have gone with the 'she's going to be pissed so I shouldn't do it' thing." Amanda said walking out of the bedroom.

Niall groaned and lay back on the bed. He'd really done it. He'd really stepped right in it. Shit. What the hell was he going to do about it now? How could he apologize and actually make her believe it? He still believed that for the song Harry was the best decision, but maybe for JJ herself, it wasn't. She was still so complicated. He always believed she wasn't as complicated as everyone made her out to be, but she was. She was complex. Now, he had to fix it too.

Amanda was walking towards JJ's room when JJ came walking out. She stopped and looked at her. JJ had on a short tight black dress, high heels, hair up, and make up on. Not a typical night for her. "Um, are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, I'm going out. I'm not in the mood to sit around here tonight." She shut her door and walked towards the door.

"Where, JJ? And with whom?" Amanda asked walking with her. "Let me come?"

Julie turned around and looked at her. "I'm fine, really. Yeah, I'm angry, I'm hurt, but I'm just done, too. I'm going out with Daniel. I'll be fine. Don't wait up." She opened the door, but before she went out she looked at Amanda. "I know it's not your fault. And I'm sorry if it seems I'm taking it out on you. But honestly, right now, I don't want to deal with any of this. I'm just going to go out for the night. I will talk to you soon." She walked out and closed the door.

Amanda took a deep breath. Damn it, Niall. She had to reassess this. She had gotten JJ to open up last night, and now Amanda was afraid that JJ was even going to go further to the extreme of avoiding everyone. She didn't want JJ to move out. She was already planning on asking her to stay. JJ needed someone around. JJ needed to know she was accepted for who she was. Niall had taught her that by his unwavering support and belief in JJ. And now, NOW, Niall screwed up. Amanda sighed deeply. She needed to remember that Niall's heart was always in the right place, but maybe he should have used his brain instead of his heart this time.

Julie took Daniel's arm as he offered it when they were walking into the club. She'd made a rash decision in calling him and asking him to take her out right away. She wanted to avoid thinking about Niall and his actions. She felt betrayed. Julie knew that she counted on Niall for a lot. A lot of support and a lot of sanity. Niall just seemed to have a way of making her believe that no matter what her decision was that he would just support her. His going behind her back just felt like the biggest betrayal out there. She shook her head a little when she heard Daniel. "Sorry, yeah, it's been a rough day. I'd like a drink, thank you. I'll have a white wine sangria please." She walked over to the bar with him. Tonight felt like the perfect night to have some drinks. A lot of drinks.

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