Chapter 17

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The last week of school without Alex has been hell. People are spreading rumors about him saying he moved or he killed himself and I'm so sick of it. I try to stand up for him but high schoolers are sometimes really awful people. I've been getting the shit beaten out of me by Zack everyday both verbally and physically even though i've done absolutely nothing to him. Speaking of the devil I turn around in the hall after someone yells my name to see Zack and his friend Chad walking my way. 

"Hey Barakat whats up?" Zack asks stopping a couple inches away from me. I think about running to get away from him but I decide to stick it out to see what he has to say.

"So how are you? Really without your boyfriend around it must be hard. Tell me something did he dump you or did you dump him or did he kill himself? I just want the truth" He says in a fake concerned and curious voice. I feel the anger slowly rise and I finally burst.

"You know what Zack i'm so sick of your shit! You want the truth? While you and your stupid friends are here bullying people smaller than you and failing classes Alex is in the hospital fighting for his fucking life every second of everyday. He was hit by a car saving a little girl's life which is more than you'll ever do in your pointless life. One day you're just gonna drop out of school and marry some woman that's dumb enough to be with you. You'll probably beat her and your kid someday until you wake up one day and realize that you've done nothing with your life and decide to put a bullet through your brain. At least Alex will die knowing he did something to impact someone else's life in a positive way. So back the fuck off and turn your life around before it's too late. I won't take your shit anymore!" I yell running out of breath by the end of my rant. I know it was harsh but he needed to hear it from someone and I know his "friends" would never say it. I turn around and continue walking to the class i'm already late for leaving Zack with a stupid look on his face and wanting today to just end.


Since today's friday my mom said I could stay at the hospital as long as I want tonight and Tom wanted me to stay with Alex while he goes home and takes care of some stuff. Ever since the doctors told us he slipped into a coma a couple weeks ago Tom hasn't left that room and I think it's about time he got his mind off of Alex and worry about something else. I walk through the hospital and up to Alex's room knowing exactly where to go. Once I get to Alex's room I see Tom talking to a doctor so I decide to give them some time to talk before I enter the room but I couldn't help but overhear their conversation. 

"Look Tom I know this can't be easy to hear but I think we should pull the plug. Alex is getting worse by the day and you're just prolonging his pain by keeping him on life support. We usually don't recommend this to families this soon after accidents but I doubt Alex will live much longer. Just think about it and keep Alex's best interest in mind" Doctor Charles says before leaving the room.

I don't know what to make of what he said. They can't seriously be giving up on him this fast. I wait a few seconds before entering and the first thing I see is Tom with his head in his hands sitting to Alex. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to chose if someone gets to lives or die. I walk over grabbing a chair and sit on the other side of Alex's bed so i'm facing Tom.

"What was that about?" I ask acting totally oblivious to the situation.

"The doctors want my consent to take him off of life support. They say he has about a ten percent chance of surviving this" He explains and I feel like crying. How could they give up on him so fast and not even give him a chance to recover. Surly Tom isn't going to give them consent, Right?"

"And?" I ask and Tom lifts his head to look at me and then he looks at Alex.

"I don't know anymore Jack. I want to believe he'll get better but every doctor and nurse is telling me not to get my hopes up and I wish Alex could just tell me what he wants me to do. He has been through so much and I just want him to be happy. I mean dad damaged him, Zack broke him, mom shattered him, and he just hasn't been the same ever since. The doctors found scars on his stomach, hips, and thighs and they told me they're most likely self inflicted. I don't know what I did wrong." He finishes and a single tear drops and runs down his cheek. I knew I should have told Tom about Alex's cutting but I couldn't break our promise. Plus i'm not one to talk now that I started to cut. 

"Tom you've done nothing wrong if anything you've done everything right. Living with you and the girls made him so happy, he loves you guys. I don't know what Alex used to be like but I love the person he is today. He is strong and brave and loving and didn't deserve the shit he's been through and definitely doesn't deserve this. I love Alex enough to let him go if you decide to pull the plug but i'm also ready and willing to help you and Alex in any way possible during his long recover if you choose to give him a chance. I'll support what ever decision you make." I say in an effort to comfort him and I mean every word I said. He whips his tears away and looks at me.

"You know I was happy and excited when he told me he made a new friend and then when you guys told us you were dating I knew you were different. Unlike Alex's other friends and boyfriends you actually like and love him. You have slowly became a part of this family and I hope it stays that way no matter the turn out of this situation. Thank you." I smile as we get up and walk to the door.

"Okay i'm gonna go home and see the girls. Is it okay if you spend the night tonight i'd like to sleep in my own bed tonight" He says when we stop in front of the door.

"Yeah of course i'll text my mom. Go home, get some rest, and tell the girls I said hi" I demand and he smiles at me before we say goodbye and he leaves. I walk back over to Alex's bed and sit in the more comfortable chair near the window. I hold his hand while I stare at the stars in the night sky. I love how much Alex loves space and I kind of get it now. The sky is so beautiful at night and it helps me cope with the idea that Alex could become a star if he dies. I get as comfortable as possible in the chair and fall asleep holding Alex's hand. I could never get tired of his touch.

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