Part 26

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•Niall's POV•

Tonight was gonna be perfect. I had to make this completely perfect. I didn't want to loose Demi, and being so distant only talking to her on FaceTime and over the phone sucked. I needed this to work. As we sat in the vehicle I grabbed onto her hand pulling it to my lips , kissing it softly. She looks over blushing. As we get to the restaurant I get out opening the door for her, paparazzi everywhere , fans everywhere. Flashing lights blinding us. I grabbed onto her hand, she stops for some fans and takes some pictures. TMZ comes up "Niall!  Niall! Are you with Ellie! Are you cheating on Demi with Ellie!" Another pap harassing Demi , "Demi! Demi! We've seen you with Wilmer lately! Are you dating Wilmer once again cheating on Niall?" I  look back at her and nod my head in the direction of the door to the restaurant. She nods and we squeeze through everyone and go inside . We walk to a table and sit down. We both let out signs.

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