Part 29

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Demi's POV•

I always hated TMZ, but at least the world knows that Niall is mine. He's so sweet and just makes my heart melt. Once we got into the car to leave, fans tried chasing the car. "So Niall should we continue this night or should we continue tomorrow?" I said. "Up to you, I'd love to spend more time with you." He said and looked at me. "Wanna come back to my place and watch a movie?" I asked him. "I would love to." He said.
   Our driver drove us to my place and we got out and walked in, a paparazzi outside the gate taking photos of Niall and I. I didn't mind. We went inside and to my living room and started watching movies, cuddling on the couch. Tonight was great. But my mind did think about the questions about Ellie and Wilmer. I did still love Wil, but I needed a change. I needed this sweet boy. Maybe this will work finally.

Sorry it's been forever guys, the next chapter is going to be a little sad but I need sad to jump more into the future.

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