Part 23

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"Can't wait till our date Niall:)" I text him smiling like an idiot. I got ready and started to watch TV, but the TV started to get boring... Untill i turned it on to TMZ. 'Niall Horan dating British singer Ellie?" The narator voice said. "So rumor has it that Niall is now dating Ellie.' A guy said " But Niall's dating Demi Lovato?" A lady said making me smile a bit. "But i thought Demi was with Wilmer?' Someone else said/" I thought Ellie was wtith Ed Sheeran?" Someone else said " I thought Ed was with Taylor Swift" Aother said. I started to laugh and turn the tv off. They can't even get there facts right/ I tweet."TMZ Fails. They can't get there facts right' I Took a selfie "Date night :)" Was the caption i posted onto Instagram.  I yawmed. I'm a bit tired. Maybe I should.. I passed out. 

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