i join the boy scouts of the universe

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Percy's pov

So as you know theres a man in front of me wearing black most would run away I said something smart like who are u. The man said me I'm um chaos there was a fliker on the chaos word but I didnt pay attention to it he probably was nothing but yet he sound like he was not telling the truth but what the heck he seems to be normal as a all-powerful being is. Then was the sentence that hit me like a bosucka home shell I wasnt ready for this he said Percy two thing I must say to u one will u join my army  and two  I am your father not posiden well to think about
the second one sounded roung also like he was lying but he is right also posiden is not my father chaos is.  So we'll you Wana know what I said I said something smart like um ok but if you are my father wouldn't that make me ether a primordial or a demiprimordial he said well yes you are a powerful primordial but I took your powers away to hide you from my brother order Which is now Waring with me and aso I need my son what do you say so I said yes and join the army. then the guy now know as chaos made a poetle and we went through? but if I knew what I was getting into I would of stayed right where I was but it's to late now to turn back

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER BUT ITS A FILLER AND DONT WORRY I PLAN ON UDATING TOMORROW ALSO I  DECATE THIS CHAPTER TO SnoKitten because shes awesome and read this book first and is nice so give a round of applause to snokitten yAy clap clap whowhoo whistle whistle clap yay
Ok see you folks tomorrow cue song from Annie

Percy Jackson primordial of weapons, powers ,elements , loyalty and betrayal Where stories live. Discover now