Chapter 1. . . To Far Along

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Hello everyone I pretty much rewrote the beginning of this story because they way the chapters where going I had no possible way to incorporate some interesting drama so I started over. ;) enjoy.

P.s. Some bits and pieces from the older version are still in this.


"You know I have to baby, why you gotta be so difficult?"

Jessica shifted from a crossed armed position and put her hand on her hip.

"Jeremih I'm tired! They got you up and down these streets doing all their dirty work, risking your life." She jabbed her finger into my chest pushing me backward and turned back around to tend to the pot of stew she was cooking.

I didn't even bother to argue back, it wouldn't resolve anything, it would simple just get both of us riled up for no reason. And to be honest, I didn't want to leave either, I couldn't wait to be back so I could hold her. But now I had to go and take care of business.

"Listen, ill see you later."

I grabbed my hoodie from off the coat rack and made my way out from our small apartment.

I'm in a gang know as Ice, we're known for being the gang no body played with in Detroit and Jessica, my girlfriend, hates it. We have an argument about how I need to quit at least once a week, but what she doesn't understand is that without this shit, we don't have shit. She wants me to get a "real" job and work shifts but that job wouldn't even pay for the raggedy apartment we got.

I run down the stairs frustrated but I take a deep breath when I reach the bottom.

"Get your head in the game." I mumble.

I take another deep breath before jogging to my car and driving out to the meeting spot. 

About five minutes into the ride my phone rings, it's Jessica. I quickly pick it up.

"I'm sorry Jeremih"

"Don't apologize, you can be frustrated."

There's a long pause again.

"I was just calling to tell you that I love you and to
come back in one piece for me. Okay?"

I smoke at the other end of the phone. "I love you more baby and I will."

I pulled up to the last bit of road left and parked then made my way out to the tracks. Nothing really new, just old news was discussed with the exception of a report about Cuts being seen around our side of town recently, so me and a few other guys had been chosen follow up on him.

The Cuts were our rivals, they would be the ones reppin red bandanas in their back pockets and if we saw one round our way, it was on site. So it's iffy as to why they'd be down here.


After the meeting I drove back home to my one bedroom one bathroom apartment and headed upstairs. I slipped out of my tshirt and pants then slid into bed next to sleeping Jessica. I rested my chin in her neck and admired her beauty, my most prized possession.

I kissed her cheek then made my way deeper and lower into her neck. I could feel her stir around then she let out a small sigh signaling her full consciousness.

"Jeremih what are you doing?" she spoke trying to nudge me away. The use of the my full name instead of the nickname she would frequently call me, Jerey, signaled that she'd still been a little upset with me. "Im kissing my beautiful girlfriend." I answered trying lighten her mood.

"Well do me a favor and stop."

I ceased my lips from trailing down her neck and rested my chin on her shoulder. "Talk to me." I sighed tugging on her to turn her around. One of the good things about this relationship was our ability to share our issues with one another, we weren't one of those bullshit couples who would act as if everything was fine when it wasnt. Well most of the time. I was done arguing with her over this same topic, it's time to figure it out.

Jessica sat up and rested her back against the backboard of the bed. "I don't know where to start, you already know what I'm going to say."

I match her level I pinched her chin and turned her face to mine. "Start off with telling me how you feel." I pull her legs into my lap and feel her smooth legs.

"Well Jeremih I feel like you love this street shut more than you love me."

How could she even say that, "What?" I prod.

"Thats just how I'm feeling," there was a silence in the room before I kissed the top of her head and whispered a phrase she was familiar into her ear.

"I love you more than any and everything."

She pulls away from me and laid back down into her previous position with her back to me. "I'm not trying to hear it tonight Jerey." She sighed before growing quiet again.


Hope you enjoyed ! Vote and comment xoxo

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