Chapter 5. . . The Raid

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I managed to sneak out the house without waking Jessica but I was sure when she woke up she would be extremely upset and calling my phone non stop.

The entire drive there I sat in the back seat gun clutched in one of my hands phone in the other. An hour passed then two and before I knew it the car came to a stop and we were at the sight. Four other SUVs pulled up next to ours and people started hopping out. "You ready?" Regy asked turned to me. I looked down at my blank phone screen then put it to the side. "Yea why?"

"You 'n look ready."

I brushed off his comment and hopped out the truck. "Don't worry, I am." I lied.

We all, one by one entered the drug house everyone taking a room and clearing it out. Me Cj and Regy were in the back and heard several shots go off before completely entering. When I entered a pungent smell of weed and other drugs hit me along with the sound of a few more gun shots.

Different drugs were set and packed away in every corner and crevice of the place, from all types of chemically treated weed to meth and cocaine. Regy clocked his gun back and started shooting them. "I don't want them to have any form of income, destroy all there shit." Regy announced.

Even mire shots when off along with some yells and faint pleading from the unsuspected guards and workers.

Regy, Cj and I all split up taking different rooms and ransacking them. The room I had had a single desk in it with a few bodies laying across the floor. I went over to it and started ripping open the drawlers looking for any drugs to destroy. "Damn." I said opening the last drawler. It was filled with hundred dollar bills. Stacks of em'.

My instant reaction was finally being able to send Jessica to college. I immediate began stuffing the stacks into my pocket before Regy or any of the other guys walked in. When I had taken all I could take at the bottom of the dresser was a golden locket. A very familiar golden locket.

My younger sisters golden locket.

I quickly opened the small hollowed out oval in search for the picture of our mom she kept in there. When I finally unlatched it I was surprised to see just an old man that looked to be in around his 60's. I flipped the locket around and inscribed on the back was

"To the newly weds from the beloved father."

I tossed to wretched locket to the other side of the room and cursed at it. When I had enough I closed the drawler and started my way out the room.

On the way out I bumped into Cj. "I saw that." he said. I wasnt sure if he was referring to me taking all that money or that of finding what I thoygh was my sister's locket. . I didn't speak, just looked at him.

"What'd you s--"

"You taking all that money." He cut me off flatly and expressionless.

Shit. There is a long pause while I try to make up an explanation to taking the money.

"I need the money." I finally said following a sigh of defeat.

"What the hell for? If Regy finds out boy I tell you he'll be pissed. That money ain't worth risking your life for." He shouts in a hushed tone.

"Anything in there?" Regy asked bumping into us both. Cj shook his head. "Naw man, just an empty de--"

Without hesitation Regy clocked his gun back and shot behind us. I flinched and covered my head. "You didn't check the closet."

I turned around to see another body stretched across the ground with blood spilling from underneath it and whose lifeless hand now cradled the golden chain I had angrily tossed across the room . "A slip up like that could've got one of both of y'all killed."

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