Chapter 6. . . Gone

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"Damn baby." I pulled my lips from Jessica's for a few seconds to unlock our apartment door but was soon anguished once the door opened and the both of us stumbled in. "Here I know what will make this 10 times better."

Jessica ran into the kitchen and bent down into the cupboards then moment later sprang back up holding a bottle of rum. She quickly pours herself a glass downs it then pours another and skips over to me. "Here, this is for you."

I take the cup from her hand and place it on the table beside me. "Trust me, I don't need it." She picks it up quickly "Suit yourself.." She smirks and downs that one aswell. Woo!" She screams and hops into my arms.

"Your crazy."

She buries her face into my neck and begins to kiss it vigorously. "Crazy horny." She whispers seductively. Hearing her speak to my like this arouses me even more and I want to rip her dress off.

I walk her into our bed room holding her just below her ass and throw her onto the bed. I exhale deeply preparing myself for the night we have ahead. Having sober sex with Jessica was one thing but although Jessica isn't a big drinker, when liquor get involved in her case she goes wild. Opposed to me as when alcohol gets in my system all i can think about is sleep.

"Are you gonna come over here and undress me or stand over there and breath all deep and shit"

Her drunk side was also very bold and demanding but that was just another characteristic I happened to love. I quickly lift my shirt over my head and crawled on to her. "Does this answer you question."

Her hand traces the indentation of my muscles and she brings her bottom lip between her teeth. "I don't know I'm still fully dressed."

I chuckle and begin sliding her tight turquoise dress down and off her brown skinned body. "How about now." Before she has a chance to answer I quickly press my lips to her all while unbuckling my belt.

She puts her hands on top of mine to stop me in my tracks. "No." Confusion arrays my face until she begins to unbutton my pants and zip down the zipper. "Thats my job."

She pushes me off of her and I land beside her surprised at her super strength lifting my 203 pound body off of her. She hooks her fingers around the waist of my pants and tugs them down and off. "I bet I can make you feel better than you ever have."

"Oh really." I sarcastically reply. She slides her hand through the hole in my boxer and grabs ahold of me. I chew on my bottom lip as her hand begins to rub up and down my shaft. A small moan escapes my lips and she giggles.

"Only I can make you feel like this right?"

Not giving me a chance to reply she tugs my boxers down and wraps her lips around my hard member. "Good lord." I groan. After a few more seconds of her teasing lips she crawls back up to me and crashes her lips to mine again.

I raise my hands to her back and unlatch her bra cupping her full breasts in my hands. I pinch and tug at her hard nipples and listen to her whimper against my lips. "Damn your hot."

She begins pulling her underwear down but I stop her in her tracks like she'd done to me earlier. "This is my job, and if I wanted it done I would do it. I want them on, its sexy."

I press my finger to her damp crotch and she bites her lips and closes her eyes. I begin moving my finger in circular motions faster until the first moan leaves her mouth. I reach over with my free hand and dig through our nightstand in search of a box. I find it and I stick my hand inside to grab a condom but nothing.


I stop touching her and sigh. Hereyes shoot open. "Baby whats wrong." She whines, still clearly in her state of intoxication. "No condoms babe."

She climbs off of me and rolls over on her back beside me. "Oh. Pooey." She covers herself and hops off the bed and stumbles over to her dresser. I hear her sniffle and automatically my heart is crushed.

"Babe don't cry."

Although Jessica seemed to be one if the wild drunks she also happened to be very emotional. In this case, her sadness was taking over, the water works should be here any minute."

"Im --I'm not gonna cry." She said choking up. "Im just.." She trails off and buries her face into her hands. " just." She starts again. I climb out of bed grabbing a pair of boxers and slipping into them before bringing her into my arms. "Baby.."

She continues to cry as I try to calm her. "I love you." She spoke quickly looking up at me with her big red rimmed eyes with her lashes soaked with tears. "Do you love me?" She questions her voice cracking. I chuckled to myself and wiped her wet cheeks.

Her face twists and she furrows her eyebrows. "Why are you laughing at me." She begins to cry again. I hold her chin and lift her face. "No, no baby listen. I do love you, I do."

"You do?" Curiosity drips from her voice.

"I more than love you girl."

She grins and wraps her arms around me. "Good because I more than love you too. You my lover boy." She giggles and pulls away eying my lips. She quickly pecks them and bites her bottom lip.

"What was that." I ask.

She giggles and traces my lips with her index finger. Her face twists again except this time not on the break of tears but instead curiosity and confusion. "Whoa." I don't say anything I just look at her with one eyebrow lifted. "You have three..four...five! You have five lips!" She shouts poking my face.

I laugh and bring her hands down from my face. "I think its time for bed baby."


"No baby bed."

"I don't know I kinda want a ted."


Lemme know how yall feel about this one here!! My teeth hurt! And btww i got drunk for the first and second time this weekend and this is basicLly how I acted.

Dont judge lmaoo its just me! 

Btw its not gone as in disappear its gone ass in faded my niggaaa!

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