Chapter 8. . . First Night

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"So you mean to tell me, you thought you saw--"

"No I did see. Did. It was hers. Her initials were on the back." I say sternly.

She takes a deep breath and continues repeating the story. " you saw this girl wearing your sisters locket and decided it would be the best idea to snatch it off her neck and run off with it?"

"I didn't know the cops would be there."

"Jesus Jeremih what were you thinking?" She yells into the phone.

I stared into her red eyes through the thick bullet proof glass. I couldn't tell if the red poofiness was fresh or just from our earlier dispute. Probably both.

"I wasn't." I admitted. I wouldn't dare to try and make up an excuse for my actions although I thought they made sense at the time.

She chuckled and brought her fingers to the bridge of her nose. "You do realize your going to be in here for 3 months right?"

"It could be worse."

"Yes it could and I'm glad you realize that."

Her sarcastic words hurt and I don't like the wall she has up at the moment. I much more prefer her delicate emotional side. I want her to cry and say things like. "It's going to be ok." Or "Ill be with you ever step if the way." Something so I would feel so damn stupid and at fault... Even if I was.

"Your taking this well." I mumble.

Her glare sharpens and her grip around the phone tightens. "Now I cant run off into a little corner and cry about it now can I? Well is the only way I can take it." She snaps. Im quiet. "You know what Jeremih, I always knew this would happen. You stuck behind a glass doing time.. But never in my life would I have thought it would be something I couldn't blame on the gang! How could you be so stupid? What you thought you could just take her necklace and run off and it be ok?"

When I don't reply she huffs and mumbles a few more words obviously frustrated.

"Ill be back tomorrow."

She takes the phone from her ear and begins to put it back on the hook.

"Wait." I say loud enough for her to hear.

She puts the phone back to her ear and waits for me to speak.

"I love you." I say quietly. She looks back up and tears rim her bottom lashes threatening to fall. "Act like it." She hangs up.

Jessica's POV

Jeremih was only sentenced to 3 months in prison. Three months is a long time when you think about it and I wish I would've just taken the week he was suppose to be gone for instead.

I get home and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I'm done I head over to the sink to brush my teeth. My eyes skim the sink for my tooth paste and toothbrush. I chuckle to myself as I look at the box of condoms sitting beside the tooth paste. After Jeremih left I buried my face into the bed for a good 10 minutes and when I finally decided to get up I spotted these bad boys peeking out from under our bed.

I wonder if he got the picture.

I sigh and stare at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are puffy from crying all day and I'm bloated. "Ugh" I groan out loud. "Fuck!" I yell again with a sob this time. I close my eyes and try to calm down. I picture Jeremih holding me from behind and kissing my neck and jawbone to calm me down. "Calm down for me baby." I picture him saying. I listen to my mind made Jeremih and take a deep breath. I finish up getting ready for bed and lay down.

I found myself feeling around on the bed for Jeremih when I wake up the next morning and am soon faced with the fact that yesterday did happen. I groan and look at the clock. Its 12 o'clock in the afternoon much later than I ever wake up and the sun is seeping through the sides of my curtains. I get up open my curtains and get ready to go to the city jail.

Today was Jeremih's first night of prison and I cant help but choke up at the sight of him. He has a black eye and a cut above his left eyebrow. I quickly pick up the phone and press my hand to the glass. "Baby, what happened."

His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks extremely upset. "I fell." He answers plainly. I know it was more than a fall, he was in a fight.

I cup my mouth with my palm and don't even attempt to hold back the tears. "Im so so sorry this is all my fault. I shouldn't have said what I said. I should've just left you to go for the week. Its just I love you so much and I was being selfish and now look.. You--"

"Stop, Jess, this isn't your fault .. it's mine. Im fine ok?"

I chew on my bottom lip holding back any words I contemplated saying. "I love you you remember that ok?" He speaks to me lowly. A large tear falls from his eye and his eyes soften. "When I get out of here I swear shit gone change." He promises. "And don't you ever blame this on yourself again. Ever. It was my decision."

The conversation ended there for that day and I head back home to our empty apartment. Instead of crying all day like I'd done yesterday I decided to be a productive online college student. I logged onto my laptop and hovered over the Literature drop box. 5 undone assignment that were all due on Monday. Today happened to be Wednesday so I have 5 essays to write in 5 days.

Now that I think about it I couldn't have chosen a more inconvenient time to try to finish my least liked subject's homework which also happened to be Jeremih's favorite. He could sit there and read or write all day long if I let him.

I look over the topics. "Les Miserables" I don't know what the hell that is but I'm guessing it has something to do with the book thats been sitting on my kitchen counter for the past month and a half. Skip.

The next topic happens to sound slightly interesting. "The biggest risk Ive ever taken..." I read. I huff to myself and shake my head. "Dating a fucking thug." I know this is going to be more of a rant than anything. I open up the word document and start typing away.

Half way through my essay my phone rings and Nielsa's name displays across the screen.

"Hey girl whats up." I say.

She giggles and returns the greeting.

"Hey girl, uhm I'm having a family cook out at my place at 7 and I was wondering if you wanted to come? I understand if you cant its late notice but.."

I glance at the clock at it 3 o clock. My mind is telling me no and to stay home and mourn over Jeremih but my body has had enough sorrow and is telling me yes. I have literally been sitting in the same place for the past hour and a half and I could use an outing with a friend. "Oh yea that sounds amazing."

"Really? Ok cool well see you then?"

"Yea you will. And hey do you want me to bring a dish or anything."

"Oh girl trust me, we wont be needing anymore food. Just bring yourself and your hubby if you'd like."

I chuckle and reply. "Will do." Without even thinking about the fact that my "hubby" is incarcerated and hang up.

I shuffle through my closet for something I could possibly wear but become frustrated when I don't have anything that screams family cookout. I decide to take the car out and go shopping.

Jeremih's POV

It lunch time the most stressful part of my day. At any moment a fight could breakout between me and someone or just two other dumbos. "Yo." I hear behind me. I turn around to see a young guy about my age grabbing a tray as well. "Your with Ice right."

I squint my eyes at him. Thats a very odd question but before I can answer a quick movement send me to the ground. When I open my eyes I hear a bunch of yelling but soon they shut again. I force my eyes open one more time to get a picture of what just happened. I think he may have punched me in my stomach. I hold onto the my stomach wear the sharp pain came from and feel a wetness. When I look down I see a red liquid spewing from my orange jumpsuit.

"Fuck." I groan before passing out again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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