How could she?

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Brads P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

Hey remember your little friend Jake from school? Well guess what. Me and him are a thing now. Sorry to tell you like this but I don't care about you and I never did to be honest. Guess I'll see you around hahaha. And good look with that um.. band of yours

I've been gone for what, two days? And she's already 'moved on'? How could she do this to me?! She knows how much I love her, and she said she loved me back, but it must have all been a lie. I was sat in my room as I heard a knock on the door, and then Tristan opened it. "Hey we're going to get ice cream, wanna come?" He asked. "No thanks I'm gonna.. call my parents" I lied. "Suit yourself" he said, turning and walking out. As soon as I heard the door to the apartment shut, I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

I cared about Alaska so so much it was unreal, and she said she cared about me too, but clearly not. I buried my head into the pillows to block out the noise from the outside world as my thoughts were loud enough. When did they meet, and how? Him being him, he probably just texted her and asked her to meet, and then she probably agreed since he has a way with words, unlike me. He's better than me and shes gone for him, and I cannot begin to describe how much it killed me inside.

"Brad mate, are you okay?" James hesitantly asked from the doorway. I sat up and quickly wiped my face and eyes, but it was too late since it was pretty obvious I'd been crying. "I..I thought you went out" I managed to say whilst preventing tears and sniffles. "Well the others did, whats wrong?" he asked, giving me a hug. He's like a brother to me and for this I am thankful. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him and then at my phone which was lying with the message on the screen next to us, debating whether or not to tell him. He followed my eyes before I could make the choice, and his eyes grew before me as he read the text. He pulled out his own phone with a clenched jaw, and began typing. "What are you doing?" i asked through a sniffle. "Texting her of course, how dare she. Especially with Jake" he said. James knew all about Jake since the "Jake" part of my life was happening when I met James.

You see, Jake used to make fun of me a lot, for everything I did. He was kind of the popular kid so he got other kids to make fun of me to, and I didn't really react since we were about 16 or something, so I tried to play it off as if I didn't care and that they were childish. This seemed to work eventually, but I cannot tell you how many sleepless nights I had, worrying if what he was saying was true. Some of the bitter words and sentences struck me so hard when he said them that I still remember them today.

"Thanks James. Thanks a lot" I said, faking a smile as he patted my back. "Listen to me. If she really means what she's said in this text then she must know about the Jake thing, and if she's on his side then she really mustn't be as special as you thought her to be. We'll be seeing her tomorrow right, or the next day or whenever it is, but you don't have to talk to her. In fact, none of us will." He replied. He was one of the best friends I had and I was so happy to have him as one.

The others came back and we briefly filled them in on what had happened, and they all agreed that she was not worth it, but they kept saying the same things. "You'll move in" or "You'll find someone better" and it was kind of them, but the thing is I don't want to move on and I don't want to find someone better, (if thats even possible) because I'm in love with her, every single thing about that girl, from the way she throws her head back when she laughs, to the skip in her step, to the twinkle in her eyes. I want her to be mine so badly.

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